Thread: Bush Lied!!
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Old 06-23-2006, 01:23 AM   #55 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by lickmyballssuckmy
There are very few people who like war. And it's them that drag the rest of us into these situations. The list is as follows:

1. Religious extremists who think they go to heaven if they die in a war.
2. World bankers, like the Rothschild family, that make money off of war, usually making money off of both sides simultaneously.
3. Power hungry leaders who want to rule as much as they can.
4. The occasional special forces type guy (not all of them) who was born to fight in wars.

The rest of us want peace and money and sex but one of the above has other ideas.
I remember back in high school when I took a class in economics the teacher stated that for the sake of the economy, a war is needed every ten years or so just to use up some of the stockpiles of weapons.

Say what you like about the companies that supply the armed forces with weapons and whatnot, but they do employ quite a few people, and pump in decent money into the economy.

Grr, I'm getting cynical.
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