Thread: Bush Lied!!
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Old 06-23-2006, 06:37 AM   #58 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Legion
Im a put up or shut up type of guy. If you are for a war, you need to fight in that war, if you cant convince yourself its worth it, quit trying to convince me.
I fought in Afghanistan and then six months later I went to Iraq, both trips with the 82nd Airborne Division. Iraq is a joke. People just standing around and the missions are to maintain logitics mostly. The posture of the U.S. military towards the Iraqi people is very different from the posture towards the Afghani people. I was so disgusted with the way that the military was being used in Iraq that when my term expired I resigned my commission. I am currently a graduate student in International Relations. Most of the stuff here is so biased and based on rhetoric that people will hear what they want and disbelieve the other side no matter what. My current research project is a historical analysis identifying the shift of U.S. perception of Iraq and the underlying events which caused the shift. Her is one tidbit for you all...

In 1988 Iraq used chemical weapons on the Kurds. In reports from that time about 1800 estimated casualties. The senate immediately passed a bill emplacing economic sanctions. Four days after, the U.S. house failed to pass the bill and instead established an agricultural and oil trading pact worth over 1 billion dollars.

Get off your horses, we didn't care about chemical weapons then and we only use this rhetoric to achieve our current goals.
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