Thread: Bush Lied!!
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Old 06-23-2006, 10:54 AM   #60 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by phillyphil
"Our" trade sanctions caused nothing. the trade sanctions were imposed by the U.N. The U.S. encouraged the Oil for food program allowing Iraq to sell a limited amount of oil on the world market in order to feed its' population. Sadaam chose to use it to enrich himself further...
Actually, those trade sanctions were requested to be withdrawn by most of the member countries of the UN, especially regional neighbors who were being crushed by the flow of refugees and the economic black hole that Iraq was (and is). The Oil for Food program was designed to legitimize the illegal smuggling of oil that was occuring throughout the region, namely through Turkey and Saudi Arabia. While Saddam did misuse much of this money the U.S. used sanctions as a method of containment and not punishment as was their original intention.
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