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Old 05-14-2009, 12:59 AM   #56 (permalink)
Mike C
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Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Ohio, USA
Posts: 97
Masturbation is more like self reliance as opposed to a gateway to fucking. This self reliance has probably helped avoid a lot of disease, unexpected pregnancies and heart ache over time. Making it a sin or some kind of demonic mystery is probably one of the most destructive bits of stupidity society has given us.

Also, there is huge difference between letting your kid know that masturbation is a natural thing that could well be a substitute to intercourse, and, getting all creepy about it. Of course, if you don’t have any practice talking to your kid(s), it’s ALL creepy to YOU! And, that inadequacy is YOURS as a parent. If that’s your situation, perhaps you should have stuck to masturbating as opposed to pounding out a kid with your privates. If you do have kids, though, and you are not able to talk to them, then maybe you’ll want to make sure your kids friends have good parents who CAN and HAVE talked to their kids because your kids will be learning it from their friends.

As far as religion goes, I respect everyone’s right to be whatever religion they with but even with a Catholic up bringing, I’d still choose stepping out of the way of a speeding truck as opposed to praying for it to not hit me. If God gave me a brain, I’d think he/she/it would expect me to use it as opposed to attempting to tempt fate just because of a few “beliefs” – many of which were probably developed by the humans who blamed God for it anyway. I will, however, ask God to bless Joycelyn Elders.

Joycelyn Elders
United States Surgeon General
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