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Old 08-24-2009, 06:59 PM   #55 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by dEadERest View Post
... I had a skeleton mask, a silly eyeballs-on-stalks ski hat and a FreeTalkLive bowling shirt, so as to annoy keet cuz in those days they were vying for most popular podcast ...

So, I walk up to the table where BroLo, bJason and his brother and maybe a couple more are sitting and I wave a $20 at keet motioning him to get up and dance with me. This goes on for a minute, I try to pull him up ...

I then stuff the bill in his pants, roughly, not fucking around ...

So, then, cuz of the whole staring thing, I stand up by the bar and just stare at him, which makes him uncomfortable, he motions for me to come back over, I stand still and stare ...
Shit dude, you have to do more to explain why you'd think he'd like you if this is really how you were behaving because it's a mystery to me. You know that even when his best friends act like jackfucks he gets pissed off and calls them on it, I don't get why you'd have expected him to give you special treatment and cut you a break.

I forgot if you apologized already or not but I really can't see how you think posting this is going to get anyone on your side, it seems more like you're shooting yourself in the foot.
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