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Old 03-16-2010, 04:59 PM   #145 (permalink)
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So yesterday I thought it would be a great idea to pick up a copy of the book to send to a friend of mine serving overseas. I checked online, and the Barnes and Noble here in DeKalb, Illinois said it was in stock, ALL of the Borders within about 50 miles of me said they had none. So I drive to Barnes and Noble, and look everywhere -- no book. I ask, and the clerk there says, "Well, we're all sold out." Excited for Keith and Chemda on what was apparently a good amount of sales in this small college town, I ask, "So you DID have copies, but you sold them all?" and they tell me, "nope, never had any, but we can order some for our store and call you to pick them up." So I say good, and give them my contact info. But then I decide to go to Borders anyway, and as soon as I walk in, BAM

So I pick one up, and then send it off overseas to my friend who is not a listener of the show, but who used to write witty relationship advice for our college newspaper, so I think she'll enjoy it and hopefully become a fan of the podcast.

Long story short -- I got the book for a friend, and got them to stock it in another bookstore.
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