Originally Posted by Junkenstein
I really enjoy knowing you, so it's all true
Me too dude. Exploding fistbumps.
I never get how the game marketing works. Smart stuff usually builds an audience, watch Valve. But apparently most of the gamers are still mentally challenged teen witch itchy fingers that just want to blow up stuff (the fact that people love MW2 so much without questioning the fact that half the game is a series of cutscenes with almost no gameplay is telling.). And with that definition i'm also talking about fat obnoxious uber-nerds....
So the business sharks behind software houses probably want to make every game "a thrilling cinematic action ride with realistic combat). Even when the combat doesnt fit. It reminds of the sad saga of Broken Sword, in a way ("We will renew adventure games with thrilling action and cinematic stealth" and the series dies...).
The comments on Mirror's Edge i've read around the web were very telling...
"This game is stupid, why cant i shoot the guards"
"You cant jump it's impossible"
Sigh. The controls arent helpful also, but i got used to it...
The scene in the underground tube is awesome enough to make me forgive the messy trial and error moments
It's the same reason we get Transformers 2 - the lowest common denominator that appeals to the age range with the most expendable income wins out. Unfortunately, creativity and progress do not. EA took a big, uncharacteristic, risk on Mirror's Edge and Dead Space, kudos to them for that.
I just talked about this on facebook when I was asked why I hate
Modern Warfare 2 so damn much. I'm lazy so I'll paste it in:
The single player is a brief, barely interactive, string of ancient mechanics tarted up with modern graphics and constant loud noise, just in case you attempt a house-of-cards-collapsing thought.
The story is a series of things the developers thought looked cool with a hideously misjudged, lazy, headline-grabbing level - crow-barred in after a snowmobile chase straight from a Bond movie - that claims to highlight moral choices but doesn't give you a single impactful choice of any kind.
The multiplayer is flat-out broken, allowing wildly unbalanced upgrades to those already winning and game breaking combinations of perks and loud outs.
And, yes, it's a half-assed console port that prohibits mods and dedicated servers from a company who made their name by making mods played on dedicated servers. It's essentially a 'fuck you' to the next generation of developers, closing the door Infinity Ward used to get in. And why? Control - to sell overpriced map packs for their overpriced game.
And, of course, the public made it the best-selling game of all time in the UK, and third best-selling game of all time in the U.S. ensuring that all this terrible shit will become example rather than warning.
Thankfully, the indie scene seems to be growing and thriving. It kind of reminds me of the 90s in comics; when mainstream superhero comics were ridiculously designed, roided-out cardboard cut-outs fighting each other in poorly drawn panels.
In reaction to this, creators outside the industry made unusual, thoughtful comics with interesting characters and found an audience in those frustrated by what the big publishers were shoveling. And, sure enough, once it started selling, this was adopted by mainstream comics.
I had another great game on
Left 4 Dead 2 recently. Right on the last bridge on the last level, just as the helicopter arrived, we drowned in zombies. One of our team got clear and, as we were lying on our backs, shooting into the waves of infected, we told him to leave us behind and run for it. He barely made it and we died an honorable death. I'd never met or played with any of these people before; I love these moments in multiplayer games.
Originally Posted by Hangwire
Lastly for death match fun with those spare 10 mins Quake live is awesome, runs in the browser QUAKE LIVE
You just reminded me that 1) Quake Live is brilliant 2) Quake III will never die 3) I haven't played since the beta. Need to remedy this. Who's up for some Quake Live?
Originally Posted by TheInfamousBiGD
Playing Super Ghouls And Ghost (SNES) Still one of the hardest game out there for me. Took me all day to beat the first stage.
Crazy hard game! I've gone back to a few NES (fireNES!) and SNES games recently and I seem to be much worse at them than I was in my youth. It could just be my old man brain but I think modern games are so easy that we've actually gotten worse.