This was one of those 'laughing on the train and getting weird looks' episodes. Thanks guys, I really needed good laugh.
Originally Posted by Junkenstein
I'm talkative too, but i'm also a horny dog and as interesting as a dialogue can be, a nice soul numbing fuck is always better. Even a handy. There's not that much you can gain with conversations, really.
Yeah, I agree. I enjoy finding an interesting, engaging person to talk to (Am I just in the wrong job or is it really that hard to find? Maybe I should go out of the cave more) but sex is on a different scale. A scale with boobs.
Originally Posted by The Living Dead
I love Keith and Chemda's advice. When I'm being an overdramatic, self-centered, inexperienced, dumb little college student, they remind me of the real world and help me to put everything in perspective.
Don't beat yourself up about it. I cringed at some of the stuff I've done in past while listening - it's an easy trap to fall into and it can happen without you noticing. Just be glad that you're out of it