I got an ipod for Christmas 4 years ago, but i did not start listening to music until about a year ago, so at the time the only thing i used the ipod for was listening to stand up and audio books, both of which got expensive for a military brat who moved every 6 months and by high school had stopped bothering to make friends at each new place, therefor listened to his ipod at least 8 hours a day. when i discovered pod casts i thought it was the best thing ever as they where free. eventually i learned that 99.99% of podcasts suck so when going through itunes i found katg and the already hundreds of hours of podcast i was hooked. katg was my only friend for about a year and a half, and threw it i learned social skills so that by the time i got to college i was able to join a fraternity and make tons of new friends right away. it also took the pussy off a pedestal so i was able to talk to and flirt with girls.