Originally Posted by cmar618
I was having issues streaming with StreamFurious as well. I'm not so sure it was entirely the fault of the app.
If people want to try a different way to stream katg (and other internet radio streams) give this a read. I did a write up about how I do it. It may help people see if the problem is the cause of the app or just the internet radio stream.
The only thing that's not so good with my method is that I can't take part in feedback or have easy access to the show calendar. Maybe a standalone feedback app or widget would be cool.
Thanks for your hard work so far, elastoplastic.
Thanks for the writeup.
One of the biggest issues that makes streaming difficult is that Older implimentations (supposedly just before android 2.0) don't support Shoutcast streams (which is what KATG use). Its because shoutcast uses a non-standard ICY protocol instead of the standard HTTP or RTSP protocols. Newer implementations don't have a problem with this since the actual data sent is the same using ICY or HTTP. But the older ones balk and quit when they see the non-standard ICY headers.
You mentioned Leo Laport's twit.am stream in your writeup. I had been using that stream to test the app until I realized that it is a standard HTTP not a Shoutcast stream. It's the reason I released the app thinking it would work, not knowing the shoutcast stream was going to be such a headache.
I'm continuing to look for workarounds and fixes. I would ask KATG to change their feed, but I'm sure they'd just tell me.. It works for Doug :/. For once I wish I was developing on an iPhone... oh well.