Originally Posted by marina
I'm being totally brutal. But that kid was a coward in life and he is a coward in death. Both staying in the closet in this day and age in America and taking the easy way out when shit gets too harsh are cowardly choices.
I bet you think depression is just being grumpy and people shouldn't need pills for it...right?
There was a rumor spread about me being gay in higschool and I cried every night for quite a while. And mine was just a rumor that not many people believed. Imagine the kids who deal with physical torment on a daily basis because people find out they're gay? And I think coming out is a HUGE deal for most homosexuals, and to have that power taken away from you in a public forum with your peers all watching you do the most intimate of things? That would definitely fuck you up. I would say that suicide is misguided and a sad choice, but to say it is cowardess?
I think you're opinion is terrible. Am I being brutal? Not enough. You sound like a bigot.