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Old 10-05-2010, 04:40 PM   #35 (permalink)
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Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Medford OR
Posts: 229
Almost every girl that I dated as a teenager had some gay friend who was always feelings girls tits, making out with them, and even fucked a few girls.

Why is that ok, when I can't just go rub on some Lesbian's tits or make out with any Lesbian I want like it's nothing?

It's not ok, and I do not approve of any man doing this type of shit to any woman who is not ok with it. Then there's women who defend them say "oh he's Gay what are you worried about" "I'm worried about the fact that he's supposed to be Gay, yet gets full permission to rub all over and make out with a sex that he's not supposed to be into"
"We will tie you up...... and BURN YOU"

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