Originally Posted by IWriteThings
I'm not defending the guy who purposely left his web cam on, but I don't think that his roommates suicide should have any bearing on his punishment. The only crime he committed was invasion of privacy, etc. (not sure of the exact charge(s)). He could not have known his roommate would commit suicide, as that was ultimately his decision.
It's the same argument as when kids kill themselves over cyber-bullying, like when that little girl hung herself because her neighbour's mom pretended to be a boy and then dumped her and called her fat.
They charged that mom with:
Should the Myspace Cyber-Bullying Mom Go to Jail for Megan Meiers Death? | Newsflavor
"three counts of accessing protected computers without authorization to obtain information to inflict emotional distress and one count of criminal conspiracy. She was found guilty lesser charges of misdemeanors, and the jury was deadlocked on the fourth felony charge of criminal conspiracy."
Sure, nobody can be 100% SURE that what they do is going to provoke someone into committing suicide.
If we take the parallel with this case, seems like the roommate did obtain and broadcast information - unauthorized - to inflict emotional distress - regardless of whether that distress was linked to his flatmate being gay, he knew it would be humiliating to broadcast his flatmate banging someone even without the gay angle.
I really think the homosexual angle's been overplayed here. I can only imagine the kind of horror and such I would feel if when I was 18 my roommate filmed me banging someone and showed it to all my friends. That alone could push someone over the edge. The closeted angle just compounds what is already a fucked up situation.
Also re that kid's brain. Dude. That's fucked up. Isn't there a rule that says "when you finish an autopsy, all the bits have to be back inside the person before you sew them up and give them to your family"
not "hey, take your time, the ME can only get out to staten island every couple of weeks/months. If he doesn't get here in time for the family's funeral, just label the specimen for showing to other kids."
What would happen if the ME eventually came out to do the brain exam, and then discovered something, then would they have to exhume the body? Or retract the previous autopsy findings? Seems like you can't finish an autopsy with organs unexamined...
Finally I don't get the show title. Being that I am blonde.