Originally Posted by Chmpy
I'm not surprised you didn't like it, it seems like you were pretty much against it from the beginning based on your earlier comments...
Being "against something from the start" and having exceedingly high hopes are two very different things.
I preordered the Orange Box back on the first day it was available only for the first Portal. Skipped all my classes the day it came out and blew through it in about 3 hours. I liked it, but I felt like it was way too short. This one was better in terms of story (the ending gives me chills, and I've re-watched it at least once a day since I beat it Saturday), but I just don't feel like it was really worth $50. Then again, games these days don't seem to give a shit about story at all. I haven't played anything but the story mode yet, so maybe my opinion will get better after I do that.
Originally Posted by Incognito
I'll just leave this here (warning: MAJOR spoilers if you have not gotten through Episode 2 yet - and why haven't you?)
It blows my mind how smooth and beautiful the Source engine still is, even though it's like 7 years old.