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Old 03-10-2012, 04:44 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Before I listen to any more of the story, I've seen the pictures of the neck brace kid that died: Am I the only one wondering if somehow the parents are.. relieved of a burdon?

I'll never father a child so I'll never know all the blah blah, but my grandpa is like in his 70s, legs amputated after a bad accident, in and out of the hospital and barely hanging on. My mom is in a constant state of distress as a result of it. Let him go. He's circling the drain, time to stop spending resources and money on him.

These parents are gonna make out nice. A problem gone, a fat stack of cash. They'll always remember the love they had for their son, no one can take that away from them. Now their years of being good people are justified, due to the neglect of someone else.

Just sayin.
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