Thread: Syria
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Old 09-08-2013, 09:43 AM   #6 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by RefusingYouLiquor View Post
no one else is going to lead a coalition (ie on the security council of the UN) and using chemical weapons in my opinion is pretty serious without someone stepping in and shutting it down with an iron fist.
i think les president has really screwed the pooch here, PR-wise. /no one/ is rallying behind us; c'mon, France and Canada? i understand the seriousness of our collective global resolution not to use chemical warfare, WWI sucked a dick, BUT we've turned so many blind eyes in recent years it makes it hard to swallow now. it's serious, but it comes across as a veil because there are so many other political reasons on which Obama is choosing to act. and goddamn unilaterally!!! it's scary to me that an American president has so openly disregarded the will of the People.

Originally Posted by campy View Post
My man posted this on F.B in the hopes of prompting Syria discussions....

Obama has painted himself into a corner with this Syrian red line in the sand statement he made. Now he's in a downward spiraling diplomatic mess with Russia and the US is loosing international credibility due to lack of action. This nonsensical world police moral high ground visa vie chemical weapons that he is pushing seems in stark contrast to the tens of thousands that have died in this civil war due to conventional weapons being used over the last 2 years. Kill people sure! no problem as long as you don't use chemical weapons!!! I said nooo to that. The actual situation on the ground is far more complicated than what the news outlets are painting. The rebel forces are being backed by Islamic jihadi fighters. Who just yesterday said they do not want US assistance. The Assad regime is backed by Iran as well. What we have here is essentially a Sunni v Shiite... US v Russia... communist vs capitalist... Christan v Islamic vs poor proxy war with the potential of destabilizing the middle east and seriously damaging US Russian relations if the super powers get involved. Clearly Putin is not Gorbachev. Is Obama seriously stupid enough to go it alone and attack Syria with out the UN backing? (Agreed the UN veto system is fundamentally flawed and will always result in a deadlock and non action). Obama needs to put his thinking cap on, take note of what happened (continues to happen) in Iraq and curb the egotistical moral high ground bull!@#!.
Syria and Iran have a mutual defense pact. i'm want to believe this is reason to get into a broil with them.

fuck the moral high ground. we're doing enough civilian damage with our drone strikes and all the leftover chemical bomb residue in Iraq. if we were want to put on our hero cape, North Korean gulags have been operating for over 50 years; it's like the fucking holocaust in there.
Originally Posted by dannyhatch View Post
Maybe we should all smoosh our dicks together until the spirit bear tells us who's right.
Originally Posted by aunt_helen View Post
Laugh a little, chigger. The world is a fun place.

Last edited by Sparrow; 09-08-2013 at 10:03 AM.
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