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Old 09-10-2013, 08:36 PM   #117 (permalink)
Dean from Australia
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I'm doing okay. Just got back home after 12 hours on the road - the drive between Melbourne and Adelaide is a pretty epic one.

My serioso and had the opportunity to talk about my drinking and the possible futures where responsible drinking may well be manageable. It surprised me that Emily would contemplate such a thing but we both came to the conclusion that, for now, any drinking is a bad idea.

I'd like to develop an "off switch" where I can enjoy a couple of quiet ones but, to be honest, I don't trust myself at this point.

I mentioned earlier on in the this thread that I have a counsellor that I was seeing from back when I was assaulted at work. We can get into see her really easily so we reckon that is probably a good idea.

As much as Emily and I love each other, we have our issues - our points of disagreement - like all couples do. I have come to accept those and I deal with them...and I don't deal with them. My writing is one of those things that we haven't quite got to grips with. I try hard to delineate my writing time from my family time but it doesn't always work. The issue arises out of the perception that my writing is more important to me than my family. It's not. I'd like it to be more important to me than my nursing but I'm not earning enough from it. Truth be told, I have never fully recovered from having the shit beaten out of me a couple of years ago while on the job and I have lost any passion I had for being a nurse.

Emily and I aren't married in the church bells and God approves sense. We have been together 8 years. We have two children, a brownstone in the city and flower garden.

It's a marriage.
Dean from Australia Dot Com

Last edited by Dean from Australia; 09-10-2013 at 08:43 PM.
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