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Old 10-16-2013, 07:48 PM   #4 (permalink)
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The electrodes were attached to my arm and I was supposed to hit a button as numbers appeared to see what numbers were "correct". There were three phases-first no zap, but for every 3 I got wrong I would lose money. For every 3 I got right I got money 25cents. The second phase I got zapped for every three I got wrong. The last I got zapped every time I got it wrong. For the last one I crossed my arms and glared through the 2 way mirror. I should see the shadow of the person making sure everything worked and I was like fuck you this is a result. It's not worth it to me to try and get 25 cents for each one I get right. They had other tasks where I was not hooked but damn that part sucked.

And I was the one that said I might not listen to an episode if wort sounds but probably will as evidenced by me doing now....

My worst sound is the sound of my cars cleaning themselves. *shudders* and they love sitting in my back doing it right by my ear.

Also I wanted to smack Emmy when she kept making the open mouth chewing. Omg the worst!!!
My husband is an artist! Check out his stuff @

Last edited by littlp; 10-16-2013 at 08:19 PM.
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