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Want to hear my Pat Dixon impression?
"Who wrote that in the Washington Post?! I never heard of them! So somebody wrote something and now we go off of that?!"
I told you what the babysitters in the house saw in regards to Dylan.
There's Pat: "What babysitters? What are their NAMES?"
Hugsy's babysitters, Pat. Those were the ones we were referring to.
I'm not saying this subject is now boring. I'm saying you and Bucho are being goofballs.
"Consistent doesn't mean the same!"
Admit you're fucking with us so that we can respect you.
1. The story comes from the Associated Press. I have heard of them and consider it a reputable source. It was published in the Washington Post Feb. 4 of this year, to my knowledge the facts of the story are not in dispute.
2. The babysitters were:
- Ms. Allison Stickland, who was employed by Casey Pascal to watch her 3 young children, while Pascal went shopping with Mia all day, knowing the feared predator Woody Allen was coming over.
- Ms. Kristie Groteke, who was a baby sitter Mia left her 7-year-old daughter Dylan and brother Satchel with during her all-day shopping trip, knowing that Woody, who she had already labeled a "child molester" in a note she scrawled and left on his bathroom door the previous month, was coming over to spend time with his children.
- Ms. Berge, who was not a babysitter, but French tutor.
3 adults were left to watch after 5 kids. Although Mia had voiced considerable concern about Woody's interest in Dylan, and even already accused him of being a child molester who was "now focussed on the youngest sister," she seemed perfectly comfortable leaving Dylan on the premises for an extended period of time with this potential predator.
3. Ms. Alison Stickland saw Woody with her head on Dylan's lap facing her body in the television room. By the judge's account in the custody decision, we cannot tell if they were alone or if Ms. Groteke, Mia's babysitter, was present.
This was during a different part of the day from the "missing time" when the two were unaccounted for. In all likelihood, Ms. Groteke was in the room and thought nothing of the positioning of father and daughter, but this is speculation on my part and not to be taken as an assertion of fact. If no one else was in the room, we're left to wonder why this hasn't also been documented as a certain period of time when the two of them were alone.
That night, Ms. Stickland told her boss Casey Pascal what she saw, saying that it had been bothering her. Pascal called Mia the following day, and this is how the abuse allegations began to unfold.
After confirming that daddy put his head in her lap, Mia called her attorney and the two of them had a conversation, after which Mia immediately took Dylan to a pediatrician. Dylan said she wasn't molested. Mia took Dylan home, set up a video camera, and placed Dylan in front of it and started asking questions. 24 hours and many stops and starts later, Dylan said she'd been in the attic and that Mr. Allen put his finger on her privates.
Mia then took her back to the pediatrician, and at that point Dylan made her allegation. An examination which followed Aug. 9 showed no physical signs of sexual abuse.
The only thing the baby sitter (singular) saw was Woody with his head on his daughter's lap.
4. Consistent does generally mean the same, you've got me there. But what I said is still accurate. Consistent doesn't mean "the same."
Here is what I meant by saying "'consistent' doesn't mean 'the same'":
* Dylan tells a story of being sexually abused.
* Ms. Groteke, AFTER the allegation was made by Dylan, said that there was a period of time that Dylan was missing.
* Their stories may be CONSISTENT in that the truth of one doesn't preclude the truth of the other.
* But their stories are not "the same" in that Dylan says she was sexually abused. Ms. Groteke says she saw nothing of the kind.
* Ms. Groteke at no time accused Mr. Allen of sexually assaulting Dylan. But Dylan did.
* So Dylan and the baby sitters stories are consistent, but they are most definitely not THE SAME!!!!
And if you say their stories are "the same" that's not accurate.
The only thing any baby sitter saw, was the positioning of Woody's head in his daughter's lap by a baby sitter (Allison Stickland) who was employed by Mia's friend, Casey Pascal.
So it's misleading to say that Dylan's story is consistent with that of three adults who were there that day. Because a statement like that can easily create the impression that 3 adults are claiming they saw Dylan getting molested by Allen, or that 3 adults who were there agree with Dylan's claims of sexual abuse.
None of that has been established, and NO BABY SITTER saw any sexual abuse occur.
Now, do you see the difference between "consistent" and "the same"?