Thread: 183: This Is 4
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Old 08-26-2016, 09:57 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Jo_Culprit View Post
I can't believe it's been four years already! Nice!

The recap of all the previous shows was excellent as well.

Also Danny, I don't know what to think of your mum now. When she denied the aids blood thing on the show I believed her because it just seemed silly and callous but to acknowledge it off air and hang you out to dry when the mic is on is shitty.

I was having a look through my posts from 2012 and found this:

It's funny how things turn out
Thank you Jo_Culprit! I remember that initial Internment thread. I had no idea it was you. Thank you for believing in me even way back then.

Please don't feel too upset at my mother. We've just had a good, long talk about many things (the AIDS blood horseshit being among them) and we're on stronger ground than we've been on in months. Thank you for empathizing (or sympathizing, I forget which one is right) with me but she never meant any harm. It was her first time on mic, after all. It was a tense time in the studio as we recorded this episode and I was probably being too harsh on her. Anyway thank you again for listening and advocating for 4 years!!! I'm very drunk and watching my roommate's Criterion Collection DVD of The Royal Tenenbaums as I type this. I hope this Friday finds you and Eric M and everyone who has ever listened to this insane show at least as well.

"Stay sick. Don't get well." -- The Mountain Goats (shut up.)
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