Thread: 183: This Is 4
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Old 08-30-2016, 11:50 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Posts: 69
New VIP show idea

I have an idea for a great new show, and I wasn't sure where to stick it. Here seemed like a good place. (Insert a "that's what she said" from Danny)

I'm sure someone's already thought about this, but what about a show hosted by Rosa? The title would be, of course, "Rosa, Rosa, Rosa" (aka Triple R. aka Rosa Cubed). Tag line: The Doctor Is In.

She could explain interesting science stuff to we laypersons. She's fantastic whenever I hear her on any other shows, and I feel she would be a great asset to the company.

The unofficial host could be KATG's Official, Non-Permanent, Unofficial Co-Host, Danny Hatch. Not that she needs a co-host, but when you look in the dictionary under "ubiquitous," there's a picture of Danny. So.

May the God's of VIP be pleased with me.

Craig from Cleveland
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