Originally Posted by craigdw
I have an idea for a great new show, and I wasn't sure where to stick it. Here seemed like a good place. (Insert a "that's what she said" from Danny)
I'm sure someone's already thought about this, but what about a show hosted by Rosa? The title would be, of course, "Rosa, Rosa, Rosa" (aka Triple R. aka Rosa Cubed). Tag line: The Doctor Is In.
She could explain interesting science stuff to we laypersons. She's fantastic whenever I hear her on any other shows, and I feel she would be a great asset to the company.
The unofficial host could be KATG's Official, Non-Permanent, Unofficial Co-Host, Danny Hatch. Not that she needs a co-host, but when you look in the dictionary under "ubiquitous," there's a picture of Danny. So.
May the God's of VIP be pleased with me.
Craig from Cleveland
Craig you are more ahead of your time than you even know. Stay tuned
And thank you again for your words!!!!!!!!!!!