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Old 03-22-2020, 07:27 PM   #23 (permalink)
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I started feeling anxious and overanalyzing how long will my job keep paying me to not go to work and all that entails, and then I got sick myself. Not COVID-19, just my usual annual cold/throat infection ailment with post nasal drip and that irritation has been a bit of a distraction.

Now I’m just focusing on getting better with antibiotics, lots of tea with honey/lemon, salt water gargling, Afrin, and binge watching old favorites like Monk, Farscape, Inuyasha, and watching a new show called Carnival Row which is interesting.

Also keeping up with the news which I guess is still distressing but is now becoming the new normal for me.

It’s also frustrating, that in all of this, Bernie isn’t being seen as the best option for the country. Biden is holed in his bunker after that last live video he did where he started down the camera till his wife kissed him on the cheek to get his attention to walk off.

But oh well, that’s the harsh reality I guess.

Update: Joe Biden’s Team says his house doesn’t have high ceilings for proper lighting as the reason for why he’s MIA; meanwhile, Bernie has been the most presidential on his site (including right now 7pm EST) addressing our nation’s concern with COVID-19, and what the government should do to help its citizenry.

Last edited by juliofromny; 03-22-2020 at 07:38 PM. Reason: Update
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