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Old 03-24-2020, 04:57 PM   #30 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jul 2019
Location: Va Beach, VA
Posts: 9
Update to where I felt last week. My work has shut down all offices and only having higher ups/security left in the building. They never really thought they would have people working from home so the servers they have created are very slow and freeze a lot. Sometimes you can't even get on. They say they'll still pay us if we are unable to access it because it is the companies fault. They are also thinking about having some people just do internet chats instead of having phone calls since that is where a lot of issues are coming from.

I am staying inside the best I can. I did have to pick up a desk top from work yesterday as well as purchase an ethernet cable from home depot since they didn't provide me with one. The server so far isn't working for me. So I'm being paid to do continuous education courses for the job. The state I'm in closed schools for the rest of the academic year and is closing some of the businesses such as spas, gyms, hair salons.

I'm hoping that my job fixes the servers or allows me/others who are having issues do internet work. I'm grateful that they aren't firing people or causing them to go without pay, but it's rocky and getting to be more scary everyday.
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