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Old 11-16-2020, 01:43 PM   #50 (permalink)
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Join Date: Oct 2019
Posts: 167
Guys, why so serious? The word associations, the hyperactive, disorganized speech seamlessly and breathlessly jumping from topic to topic, the flurry of books Keith mentioned propping up his microphone. At one point he takes the word “own” literally when Keith asks him if he does word associations with his own words, saying it’s impossible for him to own a word. It seems like he’s having a manic episode. No point being upset with something beyond his control.

That all being said, not everything he said was bullshit. It just so happens there’s quite a bit of it mixed in. But then, conspiracy thinking is a symptom of mania. The last time he was on, he seemed to be in a clear headspace and talked about an old manic episode. This time, it seems he’s in the fucking think of it if my armchair psychiatry tracks (full disclosure, I’m not an expert). And no surprise, it’s an especially tough climate for a mental illness.

There’s something brilliant about him. The more I’m exposed to manic bipolars and schizophrenics, the more I think all the so-called prophets of old must’ve had it. Yes, there’s delusion, but there’s also a charisma and brilliant intelligence about them. It’s like unfocused brain power. Chaos with bright spots. I was hooked onto every word.

I hope he’s OK.
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