Originally Posted by Paige_H
I wish I had the genetic makeup or whatever combination of circumstances that makes the difference between becoming addicted to substances and not. I’ve always been jealous of people like you who can indulge in moderation and not become addicted. [emoji846] I got hooked on cigarettes about 30 years ago and have been fighting with them ever since. I’ve managed to “quit” a couple times but after about a year or two I go back to it. I’ve quit drinking alcohol, but have to make that decision every time the urge comes on. I like what Beth said being freed from the addiction. Freedom is the goal.
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Paige, I think you may find some relief in re-framing your approach. Instead of trying to "quit" cigs and alc you may want to focus on how to have a better life. Who do you want to be? What could your life be like if you cared about yourself, what does that look like in 5 years? Would you recommend to someone you cared about to smoke and binge drink?
Create a picture of a meaningful life for yourself and what failure looks like in your life. Really emphasize the negative outcomes in the mid/long term of these behaviors and decide if avoiding that is worth it to you, it should be if you take any time at all to think through this.