Originally Posted by XenoTitty
How would you explain it then?
They don't. We've known that w/ that specific virus since early 2020 and have known if for coronaviruses for around a hundred years, nothing "novel" or difficult here in the science. Only non-scientific political BS made anyone think it would help at all and only people who appealed to authority (logical fallacy) believed it because anyone capable of "following the science" knew it was bullshit.
Holey fuck, you probably still think mRNA shots are 100% effective at stopping transmission like your Authorities kept screaming at you from the Ministry of Truth....hahahaha you probably think when people say this pandemic was Orwellian they are referring to Orson Wells!!!! bahbahbahbhabahba...i'm putting that on my special, don't steal my joke for your upcoming special Keith.