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Old 09-10-2024, 06:52 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Posts: 163
It was Great to learn Katharine and Betsy were friends, and Katharine was ready to fight a kid. Betsy's Daughter ended up coming out in probably the best possible position. Evil kid has a criminal report on them, and has to stay away from them. K-5 was when I was bullied, and I went to fight every time. So i got in trouble, every time i reacted, I was in trouble. Later I learned my reaction was what they wanted. At the time I was in Cub Scouts, Played baseball, and when to school with the same kids. I learned we could be friends at Cub Scouts, but never friends at baseball or school. Always friends in one area of life, but never friends at the others. I'm still discovering the ways I developed to survive those years. During my 6th grade year, I figured out how not to be noticed...
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