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Old 01-24-2025, 09:55 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Our adoption lawyer had a colonoscopy the day of our mediation. It took everything in me to not be like…are you sure? Because I tell all my patients they’ll need to camp out in the bathroom. He ended up having to do it through Zoom because he ended up throwing up. He at least still showed up so it didn’t delay the adoption. I’m a geriatric social worker by the way and pretty much 100% of the time, they had not been told to expect to shit all day. Only the ones who had one before or if their spouse had one knew. I don’t understand why doctors are so fucking hesitant to be real about stuff like this. The social worker shouldn’t be the one to discuss these things-I’ll keep doing it because people deserve to be warned. I ended up listening to the episode after the colonoscopy so sorry I couldn’t warn you Keith.

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