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Old 07-22-2010, 08:11 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Robot Babies

First robot babies, then ROBOT SOLDIERS.
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Old 07-22-2010, 08:18 PM   #2 (permalink)
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I love robotics research, when it's used for things that make sense. Say for instance, a robot that can go to mars or a robot that can withstand the depths of the ocean or a robot that can build me something easier than I could have. But this humanoid robot stuff is bullshit. Think about what the theoretical end product is: a robot that functions jsut as well as a human and that can live amongst us.

The world already has over 6 billion humans. We know how to make more whenever we need them. We've spent thousands of years learning how to fix them when something is wrong. Their lifespans are getting longer every generation. Why the fuck do we need to make robot analogues?
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Old 07-22-2010, 10:44 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Ubersketchy View Post
I love robotics research, when it's used for things that make sense. Say for instance, a robot that can go to mars or a robot that can withstand the depths of the ocean or a robot that can build me something easier than I could have. But this humanoid robot stuff is bullshit. Think about what the theoretical end product is: a robot that functions jsut as well as a human and that can live amongst us.

The world already has over 6 billion humans. We know how to make more whenever we need them. We've spent thousands of years learning how to fix them when something is wrong. Their lifespans are getting longer every generation. Why the fuck do we need to make robot analogues?
Because the Japanese don't like making babies and they don't like immigrants!

Demographic Crisis, Robotic Cure? -
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