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Old 07-13-2010, 08:24 AM   #1 (permalink)
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South Korea Deploys Killer Robots

South Korea deploys robot capable of killing intruders along border with North

South Korea has deployed sentry robots capable of detecting and killing intruders along the heavily-fortified border with North Korea, officials said on Tuesday.

Two robots with surveillance, tracking, firing and voice recognition systems were integrated into a single unit, a defence ministry spokesman said.

The 400 million won ($330,000) unit was installed last month at a guard post in the central section of the Demilitarised Zone which bisects the peninsula, Yonhap news agency said.

It quoted an unidentified military official as saying the ministry would deploy sentry robots along the world's last Cold War frontier if the test was successful.

The robot uses heat and motion detectors to sense possible threats, and alerts command centres, Yonhap said.

If the command centre operator cannot identify possible intruders through the robot's audio or video communications system, the operator can order it to fire its gun or 40mm automatic grenade launcher.

South Korea is also developing highly sophisticated combat robots armed with weapons and sensors that could complement human soldiers on battlefields.

It has a largely conscripted military of 655,000 against Pyongyang's 1.2 million-strong force, but a falling birth rate means Seoul will struggle in the future to maintain troop numbers.

South Korea deploys robot capable of killing intruders along border with North - Telegraph
I'm English, and as such, I crave disappointment.
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Old 07-16-2010, 05:04 AM   #2 (permalink)
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Location: South Korea, for now...
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Kill those crazy motherfuckers!!! The north koreans that is. Yeah!
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Old 08-06-2010, 01:06 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 4
Cool blaaah its arnly the dozy yanks man

i think south korea are the bad guys, thats why america are helping them coz the yanks are the bad guys, the only country on earth who is looking for war, thier behind every conspiracy for the past 15 yrs, america has relised they cant take over the world with materials and shiny things anymore so they want to do it by force. They need to mind thier own business and sort out thier own country. and by the way america DID NOT WIN WORLD WAR 2 . England was the only country to see it through from beginning to end, the yanks came in at the end and try to claim the glory for it, well its an insult to the british people who lived and fought through a nightmare and it tells you all you need to know about america, thier embarresed because they have no history so they want to create history, haha if your that indestructable america i`d like to see you fight russia now with all thier technology, or keep pushing and annoy britain , were a small country but we beat one little tit who wanted the world , we`ll do it again.
starting shit wit yo pussy ass marines haha huuuaah thats the noise they make at fun time in the showers cant even fight the taliban, we have to do it for you then you have the nerve to try and discrace britain? cameron`s an idiot we need a real leader to put america in her place, shes our bitch, we made you we`ll end you just as quick.
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