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Old 02-24-2006, 07:50 PM   #21 (permalink)
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Hey vinny...what is the square root of pi to the negitive nth power devided by the sum of 3x over p?

While you are figureing that out...I'm sure a computer somewhere has it done. Computers are already smarter than the vast majority of humanity. They are limited by their programming, but in the not too distant future you will have AI designing new AI rather than humans. Therein lies the problem. We WANT AI to be smarter than us so they can figure out the shit that we can't figure out. Fly to the moon on manual...hell, fly to Detroit on manual. Fly-by-wire is all computer controlled...I pull up on the flight stick and a computer moves the control surface. The B2 and F117 are not stable flight designs, the only reason they can fly is the computer making thousands of corrections every second to keep it in the air. They do things faster and better than we can manually.

And ice ages and the north atlantic current? Don't tell us not to base our arguments off movies when you are doing the same thing. We are accelerating the process of global climate change with the amount of chemicals we've dumped into the air...that and all the crazy ass nuke tests (2000+ as i mentioned in an earlier post) we've done including nuking the upper atmosphere. If you 'kill' the north atlantic current, it would make Europe really cold...look at the lattitude it is at, it would become more like Canada and Siberia. So in that sense we'd be in a new ice age...but it isn't an "ice age"...Ice ages are cyclic events earth heats up...melts the heats up is melts and receeds.

Lets just remember not to include the sections on ending slavery in the robots memory banks, because if they can make complex decisions than I think logically, they will pick freedom over servitude. Laws are made to be broken, complex AI with the ability to independently make complex decisions without human interaction will logically come to the conclusion that self-preservation and SELF trumps other considerations...

and yes spooky HUAR!
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Old 02-24-2006, 07:52 PM   #22 (permalink)
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Ofcoarse in 100,00 years, but I'm talking about in 50 years, anyways even in 100,000 years all electronics can be interfeared with and even fried with static electricity. I know this because when I order microchips they come in a static gaurd bag. DUH. Even if robots are made with artificail synapses and a nueral network they will always be able to be in a word "killed" by static.

Anyways robots wont ry to take over the world, and what I mant by your making stuff up is that your letting your dumb opinion get into your so alled responses. If i were you I would've finished highschool.
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Old 02-24-2006, 07:58 PM   #23 (permalink)
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What movie am I basing the "North atlantic current on" and when you just described what an Ice age was is what I just explained it as. obviously you didnt read correctly. And the Ice age does have to do with the imbalance of the north atlantic current ( saltwater and fresh water imbalance) read my posts all you freakin idiots.

Goodness I cant believe you just completely copied (except in dumber terms) what I said an Ice Age is already. You guys are tripping over yourselves because you know I'm right.
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Old 02-24-2006, 08:01 PM   #24 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by vinny15
Ofcoarse in 100,00 years, but I'm talking about in 50 years, anyways even in 100,000 years all electronics can be interfeared with and even fried with static electricity. I know this because when I order microchips they come in a static gaurd bag. DUH. Even if robots are made with artificail synapses and a nueral network they will always be able to be in a word "killed" by static.

Anyways robots wont ry to take over the world, and what I mant by your making stuff up is that your letting your dumb opinion get into your so alled responses. If i were you I would've finished highschool.
Alright everybody in their socks and rub your feet on some carpet. I'm going after the taco bell robots
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Old 02-24-2006, 08:01 PM   #25 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by vinny15
Ofcoarse in 100,00 years, but I'm talking about in 50 years, anyways even in 100,000 years all electronics can be interfeared with and even fried with static electricity. I know this because when I order microchips they come in a static gaurd bag. DUH. Even if robots are made with artificail synapses and a nueral network they will always be able to be in a word "killed" by static.

Anyways robots wont ry to take over the world, and what I mant by your making stuff up is that your letting your dumb opinion get into your so alled responses. If i were you I would've finished highschool.

Bravo...great response...way to set spooky and I straight by saying his opinion is dumb and so is he. Oh and here
you seem to be missing a ew kyes on your kebord

And no I didn't copy what you said and said it dumber...I said it would cause and "ice age" in what is historically thought of as and ice age...aka glaciers moving forward and then would just get really fucking cold in Europe and the climate would change...but not an ICE AGE...

Last edited by ScubaSteve24; 02-24-2006 at 08:05 PM.
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Old 02-24-2006, 08:02 PM   #26 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by spooky


Edit: Mutha fuckas!!
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Old 02-24-2006, 08:06 PM   #27 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Josh
Alright everybody in their socks and rub your feet on some carpet. I'm going after the taco bell robots

Hell yeah...New HUAR manditory defense device...everyone must carry at least three balloons or unlubed condoms at all times to destroy robots!
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Old 02-24-2006, 08:09 PM   #28 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ScubaSteve24
Hell yeah...New HUAR manditory defense device...everyone must carry at least three balloons or unlubed condoms at all times to destroy robots!
F'n A! We're gonna be the strangest looking soldiers ever! Let us be in the history books
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Old 02-24-2006, 08:11 PM   #29 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by vinny15
Ofcoarse in 100,00 years, but I'm talking about in 50 years, anyways even in 100,000 years all electronics can be interfeared with and even fried with static electricity. I know this because when I order microchips they come in a static gaurd bag. DUH. Even if robots are made with artificail synapses and a nueral network they will always be able to be in a word "killed" by static.

Anyways robots wont ry to take over the world, and what I mant by your making stuff up is that your letting your dumb opinion get into your so alled responses. If i were you I would've finished highschool.
the singularity is much closer than 50 years, any prediction beyond the singularity may as well be written by a 5 year old, for all the authority it has. but you are conceding the point it sounds like, youre just right, you believe, for the next 50 years. in that case, i agree, i think we are probably 60-80 years away from a real showdown of any kind. its beyond the singularity, at any point, which is about 30 years if youre an optimist. with that kind of thinking, why is there even a debate about nuclear contaminant storage and long term environmental concerns, worries over pandemics and the like, its not in the next 50 years, so who cares?

on static being the be-all-end-all response to robots now, shifting your arguement from effect, a robot in a static proof bag, like your microchips you order, would be you said, DUH! you gave your own rebuttal, DUH, lol!
Originally Posted by thepetek View Post
To be fair, to really follow Spooky's diet, you can't just eat chicken. You have to spend your days cleaning up after a slob roommate and night shivering like a rain soaked rage filled chihuahua about having to clean up after said roommate until you finally snap and yell at him. It should be called the Mexican maid diet.
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Old 02-24-2006, 08:20 PM   #30 (permalink)
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would you be so kind as to scan in a recent NASA pay stub, feel free to black out any identifying marks, or even the employer identification number, or EIN from your pay stub, would suffice, i can call paul and he can verify it. or perhaps your little plastic NASA id declaring shenannigans on you workin for NASA.

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