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View Poll Results: Re: MNIK 43: The Collective: Whose beliefs do you more associate with?
Keith 13 44.83%
Chemda 6 20.69%
They both believe the same thing 10 34.48%
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Old 12-27-2017, 04:09 PM   #1 (permalink)
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43: The Collective

Uh oh! Chemda is having a crisis of non-faith! The best show ever did continues to do it that way over here as Keith gets to the bottom of if Chemda is, in fact, an atheist.

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Old 12-28-2017, 10:00 AM   #2 (permalink)
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Usually I am team Chemda. Most episodes I can very much relate to what Chemda is saying and replying to her rants saying "YES! OMG I love you, you read my mind". But this episode I couldn't relate, I felt like the whole energy/vibes/ vibrations/ karma stuff that was mentioned was just "cause and effect" and body language.

We effect others and they effect others and so on, its the butterfly effect, its one giant cause and effect, I don't see any energy or anything else behind it. If someone is giving off the "vibe" that they are in a bad place its because we can tell by their body language they might be depressed or something unfortunate happened to them by the way their shoulders are slumped or their facial expressions. We learn as we go threw life how to read other people, some are better at it then others, and some might be better at hiding their emotions, but its a skill in my opinion, not a vibration we put out.

As far as the whole catcalling/Hennessy coming out as trans, we notice things more when we are going threw it. When we get a new car for example we start seeing that same car on the road more, our brains like to pick up on that kinda thing. If you are getting catcalled, so are a lot of women and because we are starting to stand up for ourselves more, because society is progressing, we are more likely to speak out, videos are being made about these incidences and we notice it more because it relates to us.

Maybe I am missing the point or am so into my "atheism" that I'm blinded but I didn't get it. I'll go smoke more weed, maybe I'll see the light
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Old 12-28-2017, 11:39 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Very true.

I think I need to go back and visit the spaces that talked about vibrations that resonated with me.

I agree with you. I want to look at this other thing for a minute and see if there’s something to it. What if both are true?

I want to find out if it’s true. And if it’s not, I want to find out why people believe it (aside from it sounding good).

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Old 12-28-2017, 11:58 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Well that was unnecessarily antagonistic - any other old-timers here remember when Keith was the one reluctant to admit to atheism? "God" is a concept that has been sought for thousands of years - to try to capture it in a Miriam-Webster definition is ridiculous. I think like Chemda, chanting was one thing that awakened me to the divine. You chant, you feel connected to something beyond fairy dust. And then you want answers. So I look forward to hearing the journey - some of my stops have included the Dhammapada, Krishnamurti, Richard Rohr, &
Krishna Das .
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Old 12-28-2017, 12:28 PM   #5 (permalink)
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That’s how we do it over here.

Yes, I was relunctant to not believe in God, because I believed in God, based on the definition of the word, which we use to define and explain things.

Also, any time someone turns to you and asks, “Do you hear that,” it could be the world chanting. Open your 3rd ear, people!

Don’t be upset that I’m saying you’re not allowed to have a god, Kevin. I guess Chanting is your God. Congrats. What are words anyway?
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Old 12-28-2017, 01:55 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by kevinquinn View Post
awakened me to the divine.
what does this even mean? i am totally aware there's stuff my body doesn't have the necessary receptors to perceive, but i don't call those things God. i understand we're all part of the same universe, but that doesn't read to me as divinity. i feel like those words are security blankets. i don't see the wisdom or what people get out of naming their read on the universe as God, Divinity, and Spirituality. feels like shoving a square peg into a circle word.
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Old 12-28-2017, 04:36 PM   #7 (permalink)
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I'm about to reveal myself as one of those pedantic, know-it-all atheists, but I believe it's okay here because words mean things.

If theism is "belief in a god", then atheism--the "a" coming from the Greek "without"--is "without belief in a god". There is a difference between "I have no belief in a god" and "I believe there is no god". Linguistically, the word athiest refers to the first one.

People labeling themselves as agnostic are really only half-describing themselves. "Gnostic" and "agnostic"--"with knowledge" and "without knowledge"--are applied to both theism and atheism. (see Exhibit A, attached)

It is my belief that nobody can truly consider themselves to be gnostic--neither theists nor atheists. I don't agree that anybody can KNOW that a god exists. Similarly, nobody can KNOW that no god exists; it is impossible to prove a negative. People claiming to KNOW in either case really mean they believe really, really strongly and won't consider ideas in the other direction.

In my opinion, Chemda falls into the upper left quadrant, agnostic atheism. Chemda, you can still claim to have no belief in a god or gods and still engage yourself in a search for answers--even if it takes a lifetime.

Last edited by Todd; 02-18-2018 at 01:01 AM.
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Old 12-28-2017, 04:42 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Having said all of that--Chemda, you might consider looking into Secular Humanism.

This wouldn't necessarily even mean that you stop considering yourself an atheist; they're not mutually exclusive. One can be a secular humanist and be an agnostic atheist, but all atheists are not necessarily secular humanists.

A quick look into secular humanism: "Secular Humanism/Council for Secular Humanism" on Wikipedia
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Old 12-29-2017, 04:47 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Old 12-29-2017, 07:12 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by g001dfinger View Post

Resistance is futile!

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