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Old 07-01-2013, 03:13 PM   #1 (permalink)
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9: Danny &/vs. Andrea

Has The Hatch met his match in every sense of the word?

Keith is the therapist that talks back, and Elvis Rico calls in to the first ever live MNIK episode to help straighten Danny out. Andrea Allan joins the fray, and that's when Danny and Andrea's love/hate exploration begins. How does Keith top last show's vomiting? With the first MNIK walkout.
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Old 07-01-2013, 05:34 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Oh wow it's just 2:42:42 of a really loud noise that will hurt your ears if you listen to it so just don't even listen to it, oh well, better luck with the next episode Keith.
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Old 07-01-2013, 09:15 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Best spin off show ever!!

Originally Posted by dannyhatch View Post
Oh wow it's just 2:42:42 of a really loud noise that will hurt your ears if you listen to it so just don't even listen to it, oh well, better luck with the next episode Keith.
No please listen to it.. Danny is such a sweet heart, this truly is the best spin off show Ever!
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Old 07-02-2013, 08:48 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Danny, no fucking way should you listen to this show! It will tear you to pieces if you do! Don't do it! Don't do it!

Don't worry, Chemda. Danny always does the opposite of what I think.
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Old 07-02-2013, 07:02 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Half-way mark, an hour 20 in and hot damn this is gold. Andrea is a champ for being such a supportive friend to Danny; answering his calls all the time and trying to keep him busy. There's still another hour and 20 left so I hope Danny actually opens up a bit - Andrea divulged more in 5 minutes than Danny did.

Keith - your random yell questions get me every time. Your switching from God back to Keith and back to God again was so roflcopters. People say that right?

Elvis - you are stronger than anyone. If I called in trying to offer support and got the tongue lashing Danny was spewing, I would have lost my cool quite quickly.

Danny - YOU ARE GOOD. I am getting tired of telling you how good you are but I feel I need to make sure you know that. Leave your shirt on when you are drunk. I once threw up on my shirtless self at party while I was lying down to go to sleep at the end of the night. Then the resident gay at our school, who wasn't out but we all knew it, proceeded to wipe me down and put socks on my hands to keep me warm. I've shared more than you in this episode so far and I know I'm not the worst. Know that you are not the worst and that for every hurtful thing some douchebag might say that brings you down, there are a shit tonne more people who are on your side who may just be a bit quiet. You are a good writer, your "shitty little podcast" is a weekly highlight for many of us and your taste in music is abhorrent. I mean, different. Where's the backspace key... over there I see, too far and too late to change what I wrote but fuck it. Make that your motto - "Fuck it."

Now fuck it.

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R.I.P. Rhian - fuck da ghetto!
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Old 07-02-2013, 07:44 PM   #6 (permalink)
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You can be a guest on my show any time.
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Old 07-02-2013, 08:02 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by bw81 View Post
I once threw up on my shirtless self at party while I was lying down to go to sleep at the end of the night. Then the resident gay at our school, who wasn't out but we all knew it, proceeded to wipe me down and put socks on my hands to keep me warm.

This has made my morning. I cannot stop laughing at the mental image I have of this.
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Old 07-02-2013, 08:53 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Interesting episode. I don't think Danny should listen to it as he will, hate hate hate hate it. Lots of 'fuck yous' going back and forth. I only starting losing interest towards the end when it was clear that Danny and Andrea were too drunk to really be able to carry on a conversation; but then Keith livened it up by talking about Lucas. I have to say, I have 6 cats and some of my cats track the is fucking disgusting and we keep the door to our bedroom closed because we don't need that literal shit in our bed. Also we have the litter boxes in our laundry room with lots of litter catching mats that has drastically reduced litter tracking. We have those mats with the sharp points that you put on the floor for office chairs to protect the carpet, with the sharp ends up in the areas we do not want the cats. Basically, I would be horrified if my cats were leaving litter in my roommate's/guests bed. Not cool. And I am one of those true crazy cat people...not cool about the litter in the bed, ew ew ew ew. I'd suggest getting one of those mats or putting aluminum foil down on the bed to hopefully deter the cat but I fear that might make things worse with Lucas rather than better.

Anyways, don't listen Danny, that incident is over and done with (if I recall right from previous episodes) no need to listen and torture yourself.
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Old 07-02-2013, 09:42 PM   #9 (permalink)
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i'm about a half hour in and it's already worth the price of admission this month
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Old 07-03-2013, 07:41 AM   #10 (permalink)
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Keith, you were an awesome referee in this episode. Lots of good advice all around.

Danny, I'm just going to say this and it doesn't come from a mean place at all. But I don't think you can be friends with Andrea as long as you can't resolve that your feelings don't mesh with hers. Literally everyone on the planet has had feelings for someone that weren't reciprocated in the way that they wanted. It sucks, and it hurts.

And I want to echo what was said above -- you are not a bad person. Don't lash out so hard trying to prove to everyone that you are, because it's not fooling anyone. You are good.

I have a lot of fondness for you, just from what I know of you through the show, because you remind me so much of myself at that age. I want to hug you and tell you it gets better but I know you won't believe me because I wouldn't have back then, either.
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"'Wah! I'm not good enough, so I blame YOU!' - by the way, that's a baby accent." - Chemda
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