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I expect a personal relationship of some sort. 23 12.23%
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Old 08-17-2009, 10:41 PM   #41 (permalink)
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my opinion of lady gaga wouldn't change even with irrefutable proof that she(he?) is a hermaphrodite.
it just comes with the avant-garde territory. i guess the big deal is that she has become mainstream.
not to say that i like her music.
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Old 08-18-2009, 01:13 AM   #42 (permalink)
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yea if you've ever seen any of her video interviews shes pretty hardcore about her career and she loves making a joke of every interviewer so thats why it wouldnt surprise me if the did the penis thing as a stunt to cause controversy
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Old 08-19-2009, 08:55 AM   #43 (permalink)
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I've been too busy to come on the forums much (see the ticker in my signature) but I wanted to come on and explain how Amham is a little bitch.

I post a lot to twitter and I was sick one day so there were more than usual as I gave my commentary about documentaries I was watching, AmHam mentioned like 4 times how he was going to have to unfollow me, yeah I'll have to unfollow her, I usually like her posts but its too much, I think I'm going to unfollow her. Just follow me or not I don't actually give a shit.

Be aware Keith he's going to be one of the one's who's finger hovers over the unsubscribe button and he will tell you about it constantly.
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Old 08-19-2009, 11:54 AM   #44 (permalink)
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The quote that was mentioned as being from John Lennon, is not from John Lennon. Its a quote from the song "The Way I Am" by Eminem.
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Old 08-19-2009, 12:06 PM   #45 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Maiyn View Post
The quote that was mentioned as being from John Lennon, is not from John Lennon. Its a quote from the song "The Way I Am" by Eminem.
I cant believe i'm saying this but... Keith was joking, man. You know, he does that, sometimes...
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Old 08-19-2009, 12:29 PM   #46 (permalink)
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So I fail, oh well. Thanks for clearing that up
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Old 08-21-2009, 07:42 PM   #47 (permalink)
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Wow Tuttle,
I had no idea that unfollowing you, due to TwittWalling, would effect you like this! Funny how you hold a grudge about something that I can barely remember, but now that you point it out, you really were filling up the entire twitter page for a few hours there, and yes I may have commented about it.
Funny how that makes me a little bitch and that you would think that I would now threaten to un-subscribe and remind Keith about it constantly.
I just may be a bit more mature than you, but that is nothing I would do.
I am a big fan of the show and will continue to support it, no matter how Keith wants to translate my involvement. I will stay a bit more in the shadows from now on, as I really have no need to have a personal relationship with anyone, nonetheless, I am happy to say that I have made a few connections.

I think Marx said it best: "I would never join any club that would accept me as a member"!

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Old 08-22-2009, 12:30 AM   #48 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by AmHamShow View Post
Wow Tuttle,
I had no idea that unfollowing you, due to TwittWalling, would effect you like this!
I'm saying that there is a parallel between you wondering about unfollowing someone and the letter you will eventually send to Keith saying "I'm thinking about unsubscribing but I'll give you another chance". I know you think it won't happen but like that guy everyone knows will eventually figure out he's gay I'm just putting it out there now in preparation. I was a Girl Guide, we like to be prepared.
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Old 08-22-2009, 01:45 AM   #49 (permalink)
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Oh Tuttle...

I'm not a big fan of the drama! This is so juvenile!
I actually have some real life problems I am dealing with, so this is where I will leave it.
My best to you!

PS: I am following you on twitter again! GREETS from SoCal
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Old 08-23-2009, 05:29 PM   #50 (permalink)
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Out for a walk, I heard this show, silly smile on my face . . wonderful.
The show in NH was a Halloween show, many people in costumes, with bJason's band playing. I showed up late, I had a skeleton mask, a silly eyeballs-on-stalks ski hat and a FreeTalkLive bowling shirt, so as to annoy keet cuz in those days they were vying for most popular podcast on the alley (no longer an issue).
So, I walk up to the table where BroLo, bJason and his brother and maybe a couple more are sitting and I wave a $20 at keet motioning him to get up and dance with me. This goes on for a minute, I try to pull him up, everyone's laughing, it was all fun, I then stuff the bill in his pants, roughly, not fucking around, peels of laughter, I then kinda dance away, point over my shoulder at the logo on the back of the shirt, keet is like,"Oh fuck you!", beautiful.
So, then, cuz of the whole staring thing, I stand up by the bar and just stare at him, which makes him uncomfortable, he motions for me to come back over, I stand still and stare. Finally he gets up, comes over, as he gets close, I take off the mask, put my arms out and give him a big hug. I then proceed to tell him how much I love what they're doing, how I appreciate the focus on standups, etc. I then spend the rest of the evening hanging out, I bought 1 round but they wouldn't let me buy any more. I don't mess with DUI so I was done. The taxi convo totally went down like that. I offered to drive them to their hotel which I did. As we got to my '97 Caravan (I am dad) they both noted, " . . hmm, no KATG stickers . . " BroLo, " . . no Brother Love stickers either . . " he reaches in his wallet and hands me a few. I should have offered to take them to my house as I had libations and medicine and if i remember correctly they said they were stuck drinking in the hall. I went back to the club and had a blast listening to UneXpect whose CD I bought, fierce and crazy tight. Another mistake I made was not introducing myself to Chemda who was standing in the foyer surrounded by her grrl crew trying to figger out where to go to eat.
Anyway, I thought it was a fun story to retell, my loyalty will never be swayed, I won't bother to explain the other stuff he said about me, skewed and silly as it all is, I was, truly, honored, KATG forever. Now, I'm gonna go donate another $20.

edit: I meant to add this, PM from keet after I PM'd about his ranting on NH and how nice it was to meet him:
Keith and The Girl Forums
to me

show details 10/29/07


Dear dEadERest,

You have received a new private message at Keith and The Girl Forums from Keith, entitled "Re: whatev's".

This is the message that was sent:
It was awesome seeing you. Glad you able to hang out. It was a blast.

dEadERest - he who is most dEad
John F. O'Donnel, KATG Show #1127 @01:35:33
"I will hammer-fuck you with my cock of destiny."
"The most powerful force in the universe is irony." - jdb, 1994 "Ignorance is never not arrogant." - jdb, 2007

Last edited by dEadERest; 08-23-2009 at 05:34 PM.
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