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Old 10-06-2010, 08:48 PM   #71 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by lindasuperlinda View Post
I dont understand how anyone can hear story after story about gay teens taking their own lives and feel the need to further insult them. It comes off as though you are either a sociopath who lacks any empathy, or you want to appear as though you have a thick skin and can see past your immediate emotional reaction and come up with some intellectual argument against these teens who are now dead . Either way, knowing there are people amongst us who think the way you do, makes me understand further now, the point of view of these dead teens.
This was definately not the view I wanted to give. You sound like you are accusing me of not giving a shit about the kid who killed himself. I understand that this kid was put through a difficult time by other people and decided that suicide was the only way out and I feel for his family as they are going through this. Losing a family member is difficult enough, but losing a child to suicide must be devastating. I agree that the people that did it are horrible excuses for human beings and I in no way meant to insult the kid's memory. We live in a world full of people who do bad things to others just for the sake of being evil and innocent people who suffer needlessly. I'm definately not a sociopath and I don't lack empathy for anyone in this situation. Everyone was so quick to jump on the "fuck the broadcasters" bandwagon that they didn't even consider the other side of the situation. These young kids were involved in the death of someone who, regardless if they liked him or not, they were close to. I doubt they intended for the kid to kill himself and now they are stuck with the guilt of what happened and the condemnation of everyone around them. As badly as they treat other people, I can't help but feel a bit of pity for the two kids who didn't intend for their actions to go as far as they did. As far as my argument against "bullying someone to death" goes, I stand by it. No matter how bad this kid was treated, ultimately, it was his choice to end his life and I don't think these two should be charged with murder if they didn't try to kill the kid.

I understand that this may not be a popular view or even a view that other people can understand. This was a situation that got way out of hand. What seemed to be a mean spirited prank, intended to hurt someone, turned out to be the thing that drove someone to kill themselves. That kid is the true victim of this situation, but he is not the only victim. These kids will have to live every day of their lives with the burden of guilt and resentment. I'm not saying that they should be let free or even considered decent human beings, I just think that we could spare some thought to how they must be feeling as well. If anything, I think that some other people should practice some empathy for everyone involved.
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Old 10-06-2010, 09:47 PM   #72 (permalink)
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Your point kind of reminded me of an episode of This American Life where they talked about people who were responsible for someone elses death. I did feel bad for those people because it seemed like they felt tortured for the rest of their lives. Its easy to be mad at those kids who humiliated the poor guy, and i guess its not so easy to try to see what those kids who did the humiliating must be going through right now. I think it is brave to take a different stance and try to see it from your point of view. Just reading some of the comments on here about how the kid was a coward and took the easy way out is what bothered me. But I guess I should know better not to let things on the internet bother me too much because alot of people write things for that very purpose.
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Old 10-06-2010, 09:59 PM   #73 (permalink)
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I completely agree with Insomniac108.
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Old 10-06-2010, 11:08 PM   #74 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by stulagu View Post
Originally Posted by Insomniac108 View Post
...Think about it like this: Someone dumps their significant other and that person kills themself. Could you reasonably charger the person with the death of their significant other? They certainly set up the circumstances which eventually led to the person's death, but they did not make the decision to kill the person or even accidently kill the person. They would be suffering because of the decisions of others and that is not justice...
If you dump someone, and then take the pictures she gave you of her naked and in sexy positions and gave them to her boss who then fired her and THEN spread rumors about her and got her friends to mock her and THEN she committed suicide...I think that is more along the lines of this story.

This roommate purposefully went out to humiliate and slander this boy. There was malicious intent in this, that is totally different than dumping someone.
Okay, the dumping example wasn't 100% equivalent...but the guy still didn't drive his roommate to the bridge and push him off.
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Old 10-07-2010, 12:55 AM   #75 (permalink)
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pot has been decriminalized in MA since january 09
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Old 10-07-2010, 08:10 AM   #76 (permalink)
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College Student Suicide

Huh, I guess sex doesn't fix everything.
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Old 10-07-2010, 08:43 AM   #77 (permalink)
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ReyRey showed up at the Brolo/Her & Kings County show in Dallas last year. We all had a blast. We took a lot of photos. I had them on Facebook.

Thanks to the heads-up from Big Jim back in April or May, took down all the pics with him in it. Kinda creepy/scary.
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Old 10-07-2010, 10:36 AM   #78 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by DJ Trashy View Post
ReyRey showed up at the Brolo/Her & Kings County show in Dallas last year. We all had a blast. We took a lot of photos. I had them on Facebook.

Thanks to the heads-up from Big Jim back in April or May, took down all the pics with him in it. Kinda creepy/scary.
Eh, he is after teens, not adults, I don't think you were going to get molested any time soon.

Insomniac108, I agree with you on the suicide part. You've convinced me. The other guy in that bed didn't commit suicide...but one chose to. However, I still don't agree that suicide is a cowardly action (not your point, I know) and think that pushing someone to that level of depression and grief is sociopathic. I think it is important that we don't just blow off suicide, that we try to understand where that person is coming from. So though I think the kid is responsible for the actions that led to the suicide, if I was on the jury, I couldn't find him guilty for it (but I'd throw the maximum penalties for any other crime that would stick).
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Old 10-07-2010, 11:19 AM   #79 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by stulagu View Post
I still don't agree that suicide is a cowardly action
What is it, then?
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Old 10-07-2010, 11:25 AM   #80 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by fluxquanta View Post
What is it, then?
It's a selfish act committed by one who's mind is in such a state of depression bringing about an irrational mindset that either you don't realize the impact your suicide will have, or you truly believe that their lives would be better if they didn't have to deal with them anymore.
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