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View Poll Results: Did Woody Allen molest Dyan Farrow?
Yes 106 82.17%
No 23 17.83%
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Old 02-16-2014, 06:46 AM   #201 (permalink)
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True t

Originally Posted by Keith View Post
He's either lying to trick people into making them think they heard something that they didn't, or it's misogyny that's making him really think Chemda was hysterical.

I think it's the former because I think he's very smart, but I can see the latter easily as well.

The other stuff such as "calm down," "your mic is louder," "now we're onto name calling," are nothing other than tricks.

We far and away won this poll, so this isn't from hard feelings of any kind: Pat is a smug trickster from way back. It shocks me that it works on some people.

I of course say that with peace and love.
1. Soon-Yi was not 15 when those Polaroids were taken. I was incorrect and so was Chemda, and I apologize to my listeners for perpetuating false information.

2. Soon-Yi is not Woody Allen's daughter in any sense of the word. I have often referred to her as his "step daughter" and that is patently incorrect.

3. It seems reasonable to assume that I, Keith Malley, know decidedly LESS about this case than a team of highly educated and experienced professionals who researched the allegation for months and interviewed everyone involved.

4. According to these professionals who comprised the Yale-New Haven Sex Abuse Clinic, Woody Allen DID NOT MOLEST DYLAN FARROW.

5. It is beyond question that Dylan's own child psychologist Dr. Nancy Schultz knows more about child psychology and this case than do I, Keith Malley. As she treated Dylan for over a year before, and also after the allegation, she had firsthand knowledge of the case as well as the education and experience to interpret what she gathered firsthand working with her.

6. It is a fact that she also testified in court, under oath and without reservation, that Woody DID NOT MOLEST DYLAN.

7. Dr. Susan Coates, who also treated the family and Dylan, also knows WAY more than I do. After all, she is a child psychologist and I'm some guy who yells things. It would be ludicrous to assume that my opinion could be more informed than hers.

8. Dr. Susan Coates also testified in court, under oath and without reservation that Woody Allen DID NOT MOLEST DULAN.

9. Moses Farrow and Soon-Yi Previn, who lived in the house with Mia for many years, know way more about the situation than me. They both lived with Mia for many years and both believe Dylan wasn't molested but was played as a pawn in Mia's quest to smear Woody Allen's name. They believe, and have without qualification have states to the press, that Woody didn't molest Dylan.

10. In the face of team of highly professional and dedicated professionals, two additional family child psychologists and two close family members, all of whom have superior education, experience and vastly superior firsthand knowledge of the subject and the investigation, ALL of whom say, without any disclaimer or the slightest uncertainty, that based on everything they know, Woody Allen didn't molest his daughter: I, Keith Malley, who admittedly have no firsthand knowledge of the case, believe to the contrary.

11. I base my belief on the idea that if Woody Allen, at over 50, chose to enter into a sexual relationship with the 20-year-old adopted daughter of his longtime girlfriend, then any allegations regarding him sexually assaulting a young child of 7 must be true. In my mind, having sex with a 20-year-old is the same as having sex with a 7-year-old. I really believe this.

12. My beliefs are rooted almost entirely in prejudice against Woody Allen's relationship with Soon-Yi and, in fact, I refuse to even acknowledge the validity of any evidence that suggests this incident did not occur, including the lack of any physical evidence, the lack of any criminal or civil charges, witnesses or any shred or corroborating evidence to accompany the claim of the accuser. I have stubbornly refused to take any facts of the case into account.

13. Pat Dixon said nothing I can demonstrate to be untrue regarding this case on the KATG podcast.

14. My inability to refute anything he said, and I mean ANYTHING, has resulted in my need to attack him personally, claiming he was insulting or somehow tricking people, etc. I've further painted him as a misogynist just because he referred to my cohost as "hysterical" when clearly, lets face it, she was losing it and making more noise than sense, and taking the conversation off on ridiculous tangents like reading the definition of "consistent."
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Last edited by PatDixonNYC; 02-16-2014 at 07:11 AM. Reason: Incomplete post
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Old 02-16-2014, 07:48 AM   #202 (permalink)
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If you can't attack the message, attack the man

Originally Posted by JSZilla View Post
I see what you mean. I'm trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. But it's the other bullshit you mentioned that is making it increasingly difficult to do so. I do hope after all this everyone is still cool.

That peace and love thing should be your new tag line btw. That's hilarious.
Look, if you're going to call me out for being rude or whatever....

How come you don't also point out that Keith called me a dickhead?

That Chemda straight up said to me "fuck you!" Is "hysterical" worse than "fuck you"?

Keith yells over me to prevent my point from being made, I mention his mic is loud, which is actually a nicer way of pointing out what's happening.

I contend that when I said "calm down" she genuinely was in a worked up frame of mind that was inhibiting her ability to have a rational conversation. And since when is "calm down" such an insult?

And is it so unforgivable to call someone out for name-calling when then call you a dickhead? I guess I'm supposed to sink to their level and yell back and call them names, then I wouldn't appear so condescending and smug.

And I guess when a woman yells seeming nonsense at me, I'm supposed to label that a passionate and worthy opinion, before changing the subject to something more on topic. What do I know, I'm just some guy who Googled articles before I showed up, so sue me.

But the facts I came with were all true and that wasn't a trick.

I understand their frustration about having so few facts at their disposal, but apparently neither of them prepared for this discussion by doing any research so how is this my fault?

When they said untrue stuff like about Woody taking pictures of Soon-Yi at 15 (she was in her 20's for god's sake) I refused to speak to it because I rightly didn't feel it was true. This made Chemda irate, and yet they still won't publicly acknowledge they were insisting I comment on something wildly inaccurate.

Keith and Chemda are friends of mine, and I deeply enjoyed that show. I relish every opportunity to appear on KATG, and they have introduced me to some of my best friends in the world who are their fans. Obviously no ill will on this end, no matter what, because I'm a fan and an admirer as well as a friend.

But on this topic, they really had nothing other than their righteous indignation and seeming moral superiority in identifying with the plight of the accuser. When that's all you've got, and you can't attack the message, all you can do is attack the man. That's what's happening now.
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Old 02-16-2014, 07:53 AM   #203 (permalink)
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It ain't out there

Originally Posted by Bucho View Post
Hey you guys, even with my black belt level web fu I can't seem to find the link to the newspaper article which said that Soon Yi was "at most 15" when the photos were taken. Any help here?
She was 21. There's a link to a Washington Post story that settles it, and it's in this thread more than once. It appears the first time in a post early on that says "for those playing catch up" and I included it in several of my posts.
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Old 02-16-2014, 08:26 AM   #204 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by PatDixonNYC View Post
Look, if you're going to call me out for being rude or whatever....

How come you don't also point out that Keith called me a dickhead?

That Chemda straight up said to me "fuck you!" Is "hysterical" worse than "fuck you"? ....
Sup dawg. You are the man. Just wanna add that. So to respond I actually have mentioned them with the name calling previously. Just not in that particular post. When discussing this with Keith here a few posts prior I was actually referring to the period comment you made in reference to you making it difficult to defend. I also felt Keith got on you about as much as Chemda and found it odd you were mentioning her more than Keith in reference to hysterics.

Is her possibly being on her period really that necessary to bring up? We can agree to disagree and I did not see her face when she did it.

Look I'm with you on the whole "he didn't do it" bullshit. I am. When it comes to this sort of shit you HAVE to evaluate the facts no matter how much you think they did it. OJ and MJ come to mind.

For the record I think everyone on the 'Cast could of handled it better. That's all. I ain't judging, I can't. I have the bad habit of encouraging suicide and graphic death threats when I get angry. I am trying hard to stop. One of these days I'm gonna get my ass kicked or worse.

Maybe the problem is I shouldn't get so attached to the situation. It's not a big deal. News flash: people are disagreeing on things. I fail to understand why we are on page 22 of this already. I apologize if I fucked ya up here. I don't think you are trying to trick anyone.

Do you think maybe you are being too defensive?
Medium Brumski: The only reason we have the 2nd Amendment is because John Adams was afraid of the zombie apocalypse and he wanted to make sure Americans would be prepared, I guess Keith hasn't gotten to that part of the mini-series yet.

Sparrow:...Brings up her point? What point?! Are we naht suckin' ya cahk hahd enough, Sue?!?

Keith: Oh, you...

Last edited by JSZilla; 02-16-2014 at 08:36 AM.
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Old 02-16-2014, 08:45 AM   #205 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by PatDixonNYC View Post
She was 21. There's a link to a Washington Post story that settles it, and it's in this thread more than once. It appears the first time in a post early on that says "for those playing catch up" and I included it in several of my posts.
Have you seen the pics? I've been looking and can't find them anywhere. I was really curious to see if Asian women really have sideways gashes.
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Old 02-16-2014, 09:40 AM   #206 (permalink)
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i think the real question is, assuming she's of age, would keet be able to jerk it to them? gauntlet: thrown.
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Old 02-16-2014, 11:40 AM   #207 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by JSZilla View Post
Sup dawg. You are the man. Just wanna add that. So to respond I actually have mentioned them with the name calling previously. Just not in that particular post. When discussing this with Keith here a few posts prior I was actually referring to the period comment you made in reference to you making it difficult to defend. I also felt Keith got on you about as much as Chemda and found it odd you were mentioning her more than Keith in reference to hysterics.

Is her possibly being on her period really that necessary to bring up? We can agree to disagree and I did not see her face when she did it.

Look I'm with you on the whole "he didn't do it" bullshit. I am. When it comes to this sort of shit you HAVE to evaluate the facts no matter how much you think they did it. OJ and MJ come to mind.

For the record I think everyone on the 'Cast could of handled it better. That's all. I ain't judging, I can't. I have the bad habit of encouraging suicide and graphic death threats when I get angry. I am trying hard to stop. One of these days I'm gonna get my ass kicked or worse.

Maybe the problem is I shouldn't get so attached to the situation. It's not a big deal. News flash: people are disagreeing on things. I fail to understand why we are on page 22 of this already. I apologize if I fucked ya up here. I don't think you are trying to trick anyone.

Do you think maybe you are being too defensive?
Defensiveness: No, I'm right on. People can only attack me, not the truth of what I'm saying.

About Chemda's period, some people will see the humor of that post, and some people will idiotically think it's evidence of my misogyny (no offense.)

Ps, I never said Woody didn't do it.
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Old 02-16-2014, 12:03 PM   #208 (permalink)
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Even acknowledging what the (anti-Woody) investigation revealed about Woody and Soon Yi barely having any kind of interaction until she was a young woman I'm skeeved out by the massive age gap and the ex-lover's-step-daughter angle in the Woody/Soon Yi relationship. I've seen 3 Woody movies and only liked one of them*. I'm not a fan. Dylan's letter is very emotionally effecting.

But having seen all the evidence from both sides while I'm not convinced he did make the leap from guy-who's-attracted-to-young-women to guy-who's-attracted-to-pre-pubescent girls at all. It's possible. It's not definite. That's a VERY significant leap to make. They're two VERY different kinds of attraction. And frankly it's worrying any time it's suggested they're not.

* And that was one in which neither Woody not a Woody stand-in are featured.

Originally Posted by PatDixonNYC View Post
She was 21. There's a link to a Washington Post story that settles it, and it's in this thread more than once. It appears the first time in a post early on that says "for those playing catch up" and I included it in several of my posts.
Oh yeah, I know the Washington Post article says she's 21 in those photos, I just haven't heard Keith or Chemda take back the insistent claim that she was "at most 15" that they made at you during the episode so I figure they must have a link to an investigation which refutes that. Either that or they're playing tricks, but Keith would never resort to anything other than dealing with plain facts so that can't be true can it?
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Old 02-16-2014, 12:11 PM   #209 (permalink)
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I dunno. This picture of Woody and Soon-Yi is pretty damning.
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Old 02-16-2014, 12:23 PM   #210 (permalink)
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joshua, you card.
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