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View Poll Results: Men only: Does all this calling out of male sexual aggressors make you nervous?
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Old 11-19-2017, 10:47 PM   #1 (permalink)
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2759: For Shame

with Andrea Allan – Weed vs. sleeping pills; KATG’s students; the NFL’s camera angles mimic Madden video games; community service attitudes; the winning name for female genitalia; Chemda’s representation of Keith; the top 10 countries; Cards Against Humanity vs. the President of the United States; Sarah Silverman and Marc Maron on the Louis C.K. news; Hollywood exposed and rehabilitation

Andrea Allan

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Old 11-20-2017, 08:14 AM   #2 (permalink)
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Some people find joy in thinking they are better than others. They will excuse everything they do and vilify everyone else.
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Old 11-20-2017, 11:35 AM   #3 (permalink)
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I could be wrong here, but I recall Jerome/Newsie admitting to being very sexually inappropriate towards men, we'd probably call it sexual assault if it were females receiving the behavior, that's a bit more than being a criminal 'spray painter.'
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Old 11-20-2017, 11:40 AM   #4 (permalink)
Chamsa! Chamsa!
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Awesome, Apia! Can I post a list of my Pitamins here later and you assess?

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Old 11-20-2017, 11:45 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Don't worry about it Keith Germany is on a direct path to an unstable government for the next few months because a little asshole pretty boy politician threw a temper tantrum Sunday night - so you'll probably get that USA #1 spot back soon.
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Old 11-20-2017, 11:45 AM   #6 (permalink)
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"Criminal Behavior"

I think the way Chemda uses the word "Criminal" does way more to confuse the issue than clarify it.
"Criminal" just refers to what is illegal in our society. Letting that in any way guide what we think is right or wrong will always convolute a conversation because laws in this (most/all?) country are created by a tiny, profit driven minority.
Pipeline blockading protesters are criminals. Undocumented immigrants are criminals. People who sell or distribute drugs without a license are criminals. Street artists/graffiti writers are criminals. People who try to stay in their homes after the bank forecloses are criminals.
Most catcalling is not criminal. Teargassing and beating peaceful protesters is not criminal. Fracking, shown to contaminate people's drinking water is not criminal. Nazis marching through the streets is not criminal. Punching one, or even just tearing up their signs, is. Wal-Mart paying their workers so little that you can work full time there and still need food stamps is not criminal, but taking food from Wal-Mart is.
I'm not, in this message, putting judgement on which of these should or should not be, just pointing out enough to make a point.
Sorry to be so lengthy, but my point is that discussing right and wrong in terms of legality, is not a useful discourse. We (y'all) are smart enough to navigate ethical discussions without defaulting to what corporations and politicians have told us, often to protect themselves and their profits.
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Old 11-20-2017, 11:45 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The Girl View Post
Awesome, Apia! Can I post a list of my Pitamins here later and you assess?

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yes please
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Old 11-20-2017, 12:02 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Michael Cohen View Post
I think the way Chemda uses the word "Criminal" does way more to confuse the issue than clarify it.
"Criminal" just refers to what is illegal in our society. Letting that in any way guide what we think is right or wrong will always convolute a conversation because laws in this (most/all?) country are created by a tiny, profit driven minority.
Pipeline blockading protesters are criminals. Undocumented immigrants are criminals. People who sell or distribute drugs without a license are criminals. Street artists/graffiti writers are criminals. People who try to stay in their homes after the bank forecloses are criminals.
Most catcalling is not criminal. Teargassing and beating peaceful protesters is not criminal. Fracking, shown to contaminate people's drinking water is not criminal. Nazis marching through the streets is not criminal. Punching one, or even just tearing up their signs, is. Wal-Mart paying their workers so little that you can work full time there and still need food stamps is not criminal, but taking food from Wal-Mart is.
I'm not, in this message, putting judgement on which of these should or should not be, just pointing out enough to make a point.
Sorry to be so lengthy, but my point is that discussing right and wrong in terms of legality, is not a useful discourse. We (y'all) are smart enough to navigate ethical discussions without defaulting to what corporations and politicians have told us, often to protect themselves and their profits.

Welcome to the forums - FUUUUUUUUUUUCK YOU!

Also, reading this calmed me down and stopped me from getting mad inflammatory in response.

I really wish Keith got caught and prosecuted when he shit in someone’s milkshake and served it to them, so we wouldn’t have such a high fucking horse to sit on. Or cumming in someone’s hair as a form of revenge. Or punched a guy in his sleep.
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Old 11-20-2017, 12:05 PM   #9 (permalink)
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I was on your side!
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Old 11-20-2017, 12:27 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Keith View Post
I was on your side!

Sure, as long as you can remind me regularly that I’m a rapist, you’re totally on my side.

Uuuuugh. I’m doing the thing again where I feel a feeling and instead of communicating, I’m attacking. I’m sorry for the tone of the last two messages, I still do mean the sentiment behind the first - it really is upsetting sometimes when Keith comes off as “better than” other people because he didn’t _____. I’ll always admit that I only jump on the forums and start flaming Keith when I feel personally about something he said, and he might not always mean to come off on a certain way or even know he’s doing it.

Before I was a “criminal”, I could care less what people thought about criminals. Now that I have a criminal record, I get the judgement of other people who don’t, who HAVENT GOTTEN CAUGHT with the things they’ve done, so they feel justified looking down on others who are “criminals”.

I can’t imagine saying to someone like Petey, “How dare you be happy while you’re being punished, the nerve!” He’s doing what he has to do, and spreading all of the positivity in the world while doing it. If people with criminal records gave into the judgement of others, it would send them/us to worse places mentally, than if they/we were recognized for trying, and not looked at like broken irreparable things that should 100% of the time walk around with our tails between our legs.
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Don't do bad stuff.

Last edited by Newsy; 11-20-2017 at 12:50 PM. Reason: Because I’m calming down.
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