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View Poll Results: Are you a fan of the Kamala Harris pick for Vice President?
Yes 26 60.47%
No 7 16.28%
Don’t Care 10 23.26%
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Old 08-13-2020, 04:58 PM   #21 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by bagelwagel View Post
You aren’t being an honest debater. You threw out a lot of random arguments to sidetrack the argument. If Biden got more votes in the primary than others, how is that not the will of the people?
I'm sorry that you take my message as me not being an honest debater. My goal wasn't to sidetrack the conversation, I was trying to provide examples to answer your question on how if Biden got the most delegate votes then how is that not the will of the people. It's not that simple because of how it's set up. I don't have a political science degree and I didn't take the time to cite sources, just tried to explain the situation from the way I see it as a citizen who participates in the election since you specifically asked me about it. I tried to explain that Biden getting more votes in the primary has to do with how many delegates were assigned to him in any given area. I didn't go into great detail because I didn't want to assume anyone's baseline knowledge of the situation so I didn't go into the nitty gritty of the way delegates work vs. individual votes. But I am happy to gather some sources for you and post them later when I'm not at work.

Last edited by Christ Why; 08-13-2020 at 04:59 PM. Reason: added a thought
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Old 08-13-2020, 05:14 PM   #22 (permalink)
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Holy crap with Joe! I’m f$&king exhausted with this interview. You couldn’t shake a straight answer out of this guy if you put him in the paint shaker at Lowe’s. Bring on Bianca, LW will be lit.
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Old 08-13-2020, 06:58 PM   #23 (permalink)
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Really Joe, really?

I find Joe very frustrating to listen too, his bull shit go to "look who your talking to!" is tired, old, passive bullshit that is supposed to somehow excuse his shit bird attitude.

The only thing that would make this worse is if Joe and Billy were on the same show together. I can't even with these guests who can't be straight and answer a question. Honestly Joe and Billy would be best just telling jokes and stop talking about themselves because they are only able to tell you half the story and expect you to just buy into the crap they have spent their lives selling themselves.
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Old 08-13-2020, 07:33 PM   #24 (permalink)
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Old 08-14-2020, 02:24 PM   #25 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Christ Why View Post
I'm sorry that you take my message as me not being an honest debater. My goal wasn't to sidetrack the conversation, I was trying to provide examples to answer your question on how if Biden got the most delegate votes then how is that not the will of the people. It's not that simple because of how it's set up. I don't have a political science degree and I didn't take the time to cite sources, just tried to explain the situation from the way I see it as a citizen who participates in the election since you specifically asked me about it. I tried to explain that Biden getting more votes in the primary has to do with how many delegates were assigned to him in any given area. I didn't go into great detail because I didn't want to assume anyone's baseline knowledge of the situation so I didn't go into the nitty gritty of the way delegates work vs. individual votes. But I am happy to gather some sources for you and post them later when I'm not at work.
I understand how delegation voting works. The delegates system is a different argument from my question regarding the will of the American people. If we took away delegates and the primaries were a simple popular vote, Biden still wins. My point is very specifically targetted at your assertion that the American people don't want Biden.

It is disheartening that you are disregarding the voices of Americans who cared enough to show up to the ballots and vote in the Democratic primaries who didn't vote in a way that you agree with.
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Old 08-14-2020, 02:41 PM   #26 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by bagelwagel View Post
I understand how delegation voting works. The delegates system is a different argument from my question regarding the will of the American people. If we took away delegates and the primaries were a simple popular vote, Biden still wins. My point is very specifically targetted at your assertion that the American people don't want Biden.

It is disheartening that you are disregarding the voices of Americans who cared enough to show up to the ballots and vote in the Democratic primaries who didn't vote in a way that you agree with.
I don't think that overall the American people want Biden. I think there are a multitude of factors that skew the votes. The system itself is broken and therefore does not necessarily represent the will of the American people. That is why I mentioned the issues like voter suppression, the DNC favoring one candidate over the rest, and the push for the candidate to be who the DNC wants the candidate to be. I think that the narrative that was pushed to everyone is that Joe Biden would be the best candidate. Many many people support him simply because of his connection to Obama. Many many more people support him simply because he's "not Trump." I don't know of a ton of people who are thrilled for Joe Biden to be the candidate other than people wanting to get in on the action. Andrew Yang dropped out of the race in part because Biden indicated that he would consider him as VP and other candidates dropped out when it was clear it was between Bernie, Biden and Buttigieg. When candidates dropped out and immediately endorsed Joe Biden, people who were rooting for said candidate simply turn to Team Biden because their candidate told them to. There is no one answer to your question and you're taking that as me trying to divert the conversation. I'm not. It is complicated and convoluted and there are so many factors at play. So all I'm saying is just because Biden won doesn't mean he is what the majority of Americans want. It's not so cut and dry as that. Look at Trump. The majority of Americans did not want Trump to be our president and look where we are anyway.
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Old 08-14-2020, 02:44 PM   #27 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by bagelwagel View Post

It is disheartening that you are disregarding the voices of Americans who cared enough to show up to the ballots and vote in the Democratic primaries who didn't vote in a way that you agree with.
I find it disheartening that you believe people who didn't necessarily have their votes counted or were unable to vote for a plethora of reasons just don't "care enough to show up." That's an extremely privileged point of view. Biden supporters will be just fine despite my opinion.
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Old 08-15-2020, 08:29 AM   #28 (permalink)
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Do we get bingo mark when Keith accidentally uses name “Cat”?
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Old 08-19-2020, 02:47 PM   #29 (permalink)
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I'm sure Joe is on some lists, too.

Not a "guys i'd pair up with" bracket like his, but a list nonetheless.
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Old 08-19-2020, 03:09 PM   #30 (permalink)
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When I did my list, I wasn’t choosing between 12 men or so.
I did my list for myself, to learn better what was important to me and what was not.
I can’t imagine even knowing several potential partners. Currently I know exactly 0 people who could be a partner for me if I wasn’t with Mr. Apia.

Of course I don’t go out several days a week and meet countless new people.
But still, I can’t imagine knowing several people I would want to date and who are also available. Was every single woman he knows on that list?
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