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View Poll Results: Do you like talking to your parents?
Yes 19 45.24%
No 16 38.10%
They're dead 7 16.67%
Voters: 42. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 09-03-2020, 11:59 AM   #21 (permalink)
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With the exception of genotoxic oncology drugs, first-in-human, Phase 1 clinical studies of investigational drugs have traditionally been conducted in healthy volunteers (HVs). The primary goal of these studies is to investigate the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of a novel drug candidate, determine appropriate dosing, and document safety and tolerability.


The alternative would be giving an already sick person a substance never used
In humans before.
The possible risks would affect someone who is already sick much more.

Last edited by Apia resurrected; 09-03-2020 at 12:03 PM.
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Old 09-03-2020, 12:05 PM   #22 (permalink)
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When she was alive I enjoy talking to my mom when she was alone. When her boyfriend was around, we both suppressed our conversations as he would always need to interject himself into it.
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Old 09-03-2020, 03:00 PM   #23 (permalink)
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I voted no as I haven’t spoken to my parents for 4 years. The last straw was when my mom got pissed that I wouldn’t bring my children up to visit her while the grandpa that molested me was living with them. She then refused to come down to visit again. And now my younger brothers also don’t talk to me anymore. The only family that I’m in contact with is with my mother-in-law who is one of the best people I’ve known.
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Old 09-03-2020, 09:40 PM   #24 (permalink)
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I love Keith’s letter to his dad. Always better not to overthink it.

And WTF with the randoM care package without anything of substance to it. How dare she try to guilt you into reaching out to you. So fucked up.

I live in an Indianapolis suburb. It sucks to still see so many Trump2020 signs. And our pansy-ass governor has his head so far up Pence’s ass-he’s doing what is best politically versus best for the state. We have a mandatory mask in place but it isn’t enforced at all. COVID numbers keep climbing. Our voting board voted to REFUSE COVID as a reason for a mail-in ballot. So we have to go in person to vote or vote early. Even though I have type 1 diabetes and a slew of other health issues-I’ll be in line to vote because we need to get those dipshits out of the office.

The mayor of indianapolis keeps extending the mandatory mask dates. Still see people without them on or their noses hanging out. It is amazing that more people aren’t embarrassed. We are the one of the worst countries in the world handling coronavirus. No one wants to come here.

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Old 09-04-2020, 12:45 PM   #25 (permalink)
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Holy fucking shit! That care package looks pathetic! Didn't even fill the box with old newspaper to keep the stuff from bouncing around!
Now that Father Malley has RUINED ALL OF OUR PLANNED FUN around his fake death please please please let's start a petty war with your mom, Chemda.
Send her a single peach in a huge box with an american flag
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Old 09-04-2020, 03:03 PM   #26 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by FingerLakes View Post
Holy fucking shit! That care package looks pathetic! Didn't even fill the box with old newspaper to keep the stuff from bouncing around!
Now that Father Malley has RUINED ALL OF OUR PLANNED FUN around his fake death please please please let's start a petty war with your mom, Chemda.
Send her a single peach in a huge box with an american flag

In all fairness xerxes and I ate some of it before that picture

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Old 09-04-2020, 09:18 PM   #27 (permalink)
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Re: The Poll

Forget parents, adults who like anyone in their family are a mysterious unicorn to me. I only know one person whose parents treat him with respect and talk to him like a real human, as opposed to assuming he's too stupid to wipe his ass or talking down to him and demanding filial respect based solely on tradition. Most other people speak nicely or respectfully with their parents just to avoid a fight. It's even funnier when my mother will complain to my brothers or cousins about our bad relationship while never considering how terrible her relationship was with her mother before she died. They didn't like each other at all and every sentence was either a direct put down or passive aggressive sleight.

The answer is no but the few times a year I speak to my absentee father is kind of interesting. Talking to him is like talking to a living relic from a museum. It's like "oh...haha you're a real person? With opinions? That's rich. Oh you used to climb mango trees and run from wasps? How about that. You have another sister??! HA! Sure!"
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Old 09-05-2020, 12:48 AM   #28 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by FingerLakes View Post
Most other people speak nicely or respectfully with their parents just to avoid a fight.
That at least I don’t ever do. I have never met a fight I didn’t try on with my parents.
You can say a lot about my family but we don’t avoid conflict.
My father maybe would if he was alone, but with my mother, no chance.

As I said, things are currently good, but little conflicts are normal for us.

I was there 2 days ago and my mother said to me 5 things I did wrong or didn’t do in 5 minutes.

I said to her: ‘ enough now dear mother! I’m here for 5 minutes. You said 5 things I did wrong. That’s too much, dear mother. How about 1 thing per 10 minutes. That’s better to deal with’

She said ‘ ok, I’ll give you a few minutes before the next thing’

And that was funny and that’s why.
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Old 09-05-2020, 08:47 AM   #29 (permalink)
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I really didn't expect the relationship to my parents to improve so much.
And just to be clear, we are not best friends but we have a friendly, respectful and relaxed relationship now and this is very surprising. When I see them, I'm calm and I'm myself. It is mostly good. And by good I mean we talk about
normal stuff like what is the best pizza place in our city, that my dentist retired and the new one was very nice, that I've seen someone we both know in the supermarket. Or they talk about a show they have seen on TV or what they talked about with the neighbors.
Normal, light stuff.

They can talk with me without guilting me or blaming me for something.
They are even happy with my and Mr Apia's careers and how we act as parents.
That's a major improvement and I didn't think it was possible.
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Last edited by Apia resurrected; 09-05-2020 at 08:50 AM.
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Old 09-06-2020, 01:20 AM   #30 (permalink)
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I had a good relationship with my parents. Both were good people, sure we had our issues at times, mostly when I was a teen so, I have to blame myself because it was probably hormones.

Now the two of them together was like gasoline and and open flame. They would fight anytime they saw each other until they separated when I was about 10, one of the best years of my life! NO JOKE, them separating made life so much better. My dad would try to come home later and later and when they saw each other it was always an argument, no stressful for me and obviously no good for them.

Dad was emotionally distant until my Mom got sick about 10 years after the separation, that's when they started getting along again. Not that they got back together. It's just that the petty feelings just didn't matter any longer. Then she died and Dad changed, all of a sudden he wanted to be involved more. It was like a switch. I asked him about it once, some years after Mom passed, and he said he tried to keep distance because he had hurt Mom so much he wanted to give her all the space with us kids. He was there to support us financially and he wasn't really cold but he just didn't want to interfere with what he saw as her parental direction and relationship. He passed away last year on Valentines Day. (so now you know how I voted)

... so fuck Valentines Day for fucking ever now... My wife says she understands... This year I did a lover's day like thing the week before to make sure she felt loved and hoped she didn't miss it, it worked well. No I don't call it lover's day or anything but it's the same thing really, it gets the idea across.
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