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Old 08-16-2006, 11:35 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Books etc.

So last night my computer decided to die. Completely. Just turned off and wouldn't turn back on. Looks like the motherboard is fried, so now I'm borrowing my sisters laptop. Funny thing is, there's no much to do at 2 in the morning for an insomniac with no computer, so I decided to start working through the books that I haven't read yet. I thought that I would start a thread for people to post their favourite quotes from books that they are reading/have read recently. Here's mine:

'Natalie summed it up best. "Jesus Christ. My cunt looks like it's been brushing its teeth. It's just foaming at the mouth."

- Running With Scissors - Augusten Burroughs.
Proud creator of the Ding Song Remix! <---ancient!
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Old 08-16-2006, 11:37 AM   #2 (permalink)
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Wizard's First Rule: People are stupid.

from Wizard's First Rule by Terry Goodkind
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Old 08-16-2006, 11:39 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by perclissigi
'Natalie summed it up best. "Jesus Christ. My cunt looks like it's been brushing its teeth. It's just foaming at the mouth."

- Running With Scissors - Augusten Burroughs.
HAHA! I just finished reading that one last week..
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Old 08-16-2006, 12:36 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Ok so total chick book, but it's one of the best selling books of all time:
Valley of the Dolls

Anything by David Sedaris

If you like Fantasy/celtic type shite.. My favorite Series (and really its more like 3 series) is The Deverry Series by Katherine Kerr. It's a crappy website, but the books are so amazing, i've read some of them twice. It's about different incarnations of characters, and how their past lives effect their current/future lives and relationships with each other. And a lot of "elemental magic" type of crap. *shrug* i love it.

Also, anything by Poppy Z Brite. Like Anne Rice, but 100 times better.
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Old 08-16-2006, 12:44 PM   #5 (permalink)
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for baseball fans: "feeding the monster" by seth mnookin--excellent story about the building of the 2004 redsox, and theogate that followed.

for current event folks: "The looming tower" by lawrence wright--gripping story of the formation of al qaeda and the road to 9/11

for folks in a fictional mood: "digging to america" by anne tyler--a great novel about belonging in a land that is not your own

anyone read these yet?
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Old 08-16-2006, 12:51 PM   #6 (permalink)
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"Oh, it's nothing at all," she cried with a sudden shrill note in her voice, and she wiggled, and squirmed, and threw her head back, and her teeth rested on her glistening underlip as she half-turned away, and my moaning mouth, gentlemen of the jury, almost reached her bare neck, while I crushed out against her left buttock the last throb of the longest ecstasy man or monster had ever known.
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Old 08-16-2006, 12:54 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by william
"Oh, it's nothing at all," she cried with a sudden shrill note in her voice, and she wiggled, and squirmed, and threw her head back, and her teeth rested on her glistening underlip as she half-turned away, and my moaning mouth, gentlemen of the jury, almost reached her bare neck, while I crushed out against her left buttock the last throb of the longest ecstasy man or monster had ever known.

william, should you be quoting the book of revelations here on the forum?

i love vlad the nab too!
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Old 08-16-2006, 03:11 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by benijita
Wizard's First Rule: People are stupid.

from Wizard's First Rule by Terry Goodkind


But Terry Goodkind is quite the hero amongst my circle of friends. I've read up Temple of the Winds (Book 4), but most of my friends are on the newest one.

If any of you havn't read any of the Sword of Truth books, definitely good stuff.
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Old 08-16-2006, 04:39 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Above I posted a passage from Lolita. What makes it is not the entire paragraph, beautiful as it may be, but rather those last lines, those words that completed the thought:
the last throb of the longest ecstasy man or monster had ever known
Nabokov’s brilliance in allusion rings true throughout the entire novel but here in particular you see the Master at work. A younger reader may miss out on what is implied. Similarly, earlier in the novel he writes,
She would try to relieve the pain of love by first roughly rubbing her dry lips against mine; then my darling would draw away with a nervous toss of her hair, and then again come darkly near and let me feed on her open mouth, while with a generosity that was ready to offer her everything, my heart, my throat, my entrails, I have her to hold in her awkward fist the scepter of my passion.
When I first read it I missed the "scepter of my passion." This reminds me of his homage and allusion to Poe and Annabelle Lee. Once past the forward, Nabokov introduces Lolita with one of the most beautiful openings ever:
Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Lo-lee-ta: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palette to tap, at three, on the teeth. Lo. Lee. Ta.

She was Lo, plain Lo, in the morning, standing four feet ten in one sock. She was Lola in slacks. She was Dolly at school. She was Dolores on the dotted line. But in my arms she was always Lolita.

Did she have a precursor? She did, indeed she did. In point of fact, there might have been no Lolita at all had I not loved, one summer, a certain initial girl-child. In a princedom by the sea. Oh when? About as many years before Lolita was born as my age was that summer. You can always count on a murderer for a fancy prose style.
In a princedom by the sea.

Poe, who loved a 13 year old girl…

Sometimes your mind plays great passages over and over and later they echo themselves in your work, your style, your cadence. I deliberately echoed William Kennedy’s Ironweed when I wrote about the fall of the Towers.

In the dust and sand of a grassless vacant lot beside the mission of Holy Redemption, a human form lay prostrate under a lighted mission window. The sprawl of the figure arrested Francis’s movement when he and Rudy saw it. Bodies in the alleys, bodies in the gutters, bodies anywhere, were part of his eternal landscape: a physical litany of the dead.
And my homage:
The Holy Grounds were littered with Bodies.

Bodies in the streets.
Bodies in the sidewalks.
Bodies everywhere.
An eternal litany of death.

"That's me -- call me crazy, call me a pervert, but this is something I enjoy."
- Boogie Nights

Last edited by william; 08-16-2006 at 04:47 PM.
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Old 08-16-2006, 06:21 PM   #10 (permalink)
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William, I admire your seemingly endless amount of knowledge... and yet, I can't help but laugh. Because... YOU HAVE PANTS ON YOUR HEAD.

Sorry, I'm late to the party on that one.
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