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Old 04-11-2010, 02:34 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Friends with a "Celebrity"

After listening to Myq's interview with Marc Maron, and listening about the Jamhole fiasco it got me pondering about this subject. I don't know where I stand on all this so I just wanted to put some stuff out there and see if I can start a dialogue.

There are a few occasions where I have found myself in the midst of someone more famous than me. My earliest memory of this was having a dialouge with Danny Bonaduce on Myspace many years ago. That was pretty exciting for me but sort of fell flat as there wasn't really anything there.

The next obvious occasion was Keith and Chemda. I'm so happy about their success that none of me would want a "piece" of that. I just enjoy them as people and going to events. I know I can separate myself from being friendly and being friends. Of course it would be nice to be the next Newsy, or another guy that is generally able to hang out at superbowl parties and stuff. However I know my place as a fan, and if EVERYONE was able to accomplish that, they wouldn't have enough room in their house!

There have been other occasions when I've interacted with comedians or other guests on KATG, most of which are quite friendly and I've never had a bad experience with.

The most recent person that comes to mind, and I hope he takes all this int he spirit of which it is intended, is the amazing Myq Kaplan. I first met him and Myka (also amazing) at the 100th show. I was in a room with him trying to come up with a name for his podcast but everyone was high and nothing was really getting done, haha. Then I found out that he was coming near where I lived so I decided to go see him. I Facebooked him and we ended up meeting up well before the show and hung out for a while. Myq was the kind of guy I knew I could really get along with. I all but started stalking him on facebook, just talking about stuff, asking him how his career was. I heard he might have been coming to a KATG Bingo so I talked to him on facebook and asked if he wanted to meet up. I knew I wasn't going to be online so I asked him if he wanted to exchange numbers or something and he declined, and I totally understand that. I wouldn't want that getting out either. But it was then that I knew exactly where I was placed. There were other events like this but I won't delve into them now.

So I just wanted to see if anyone else had similar experiences with celebrities on a level greater than meeting them at a restaurant and getting a signature. And what came of it. And where the lines between friendship, being friendly, and good PR are. And how much of my fascination with people like Myq are truly a connection or just some sort of sick narcissism on my part.
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Old 04-11-2010, 05:11 PM   #2 (permalink)
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I've never even been close. A few years ago me and a friend got to hang out on the tour bus with Bloodhound Gang after a show for a few hours, with a promise to be backstage at any future shows of theirs, but I had no illusions that we were gonna be friends or anything.

I think id Keith and I hung out we'd get along pretty well, but I don't have any illusions of us being best friends or anything, and I wouldn't try.
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Old 04-11-2010, 05:58 PM   #3 (permalink)
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I think many people misunderstand friendly for friendship. Celebrities are very careful of who they trust because they are constantly working to ensure things don't end up in the tabloids. I have met several celebrities, but usually when I was working, so the opportunity to talk about anything other than what they want for lunch did not happen. I did get a chance to hang with Kurt Angle, Hardcore Holly, and Edge a few years back, but I never would have considered them friends. I'm sure they appreciated the downtime from being their WWE personas and just getting to be regular people for a while, though. I was with a group of friends who were trying to hang out in places they were because they wanted to hang with famous people. One of them had her groupie wish fulfilled. For me, I felt awkward and uncomfortable all night. I liked the conversation, but I doubt I ever would have talked to them if they were not wrestlers and the targets of our entertainment.

Celebrities don't often have many friends outside of their entourages. The ones they do have were friends before everything happened. It's a lonely life. Constantly having to go through life wondering if people want to know you and not just want to associate being with someone famous is a terrible way to live. Knowing it automatically comes with being a celebrity, I would never want that kind of life.
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Old 04-11-2010, 06:12 PM   #4 (permalink)
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I did see my friends come up as reggaeton artists here in the Dominican Republic... Their fame lasted a couple of years I participated in their mixtape, I am not a rapper but they wanted me to and that came out ok even though it never left the studio. Everything was cool only when there were even more famous artist I would feel somewhat like a shadow but it was all good I knew my place
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Old 04-11-2010, 06:30 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by BrownEyedBtch View Post
Celebrities don't often have many friends outside of their entourages. The ones they do have were friends before everything happened. It's a lonely life. Constantly having to go through life wondering if people want to know you and not just want to associate being with someone famous is a terrible way to live. Knowing it automatically comes with being a celebrity, I would never want that kind of life.
I think this is one of the sole reasons why there is not much motivation to get into a career where one could be perceived as a celebrity. You have acclaim, increased wealth, and you're featured more commonly than the average person, but with that, you're constantly hounded and scrutinized more heavily than the average person. In order to achieve a certain limelight, you have to suspend your privacy and personal life.
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Old 04-11-2010, 06:31 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by BrownEyedBtch View Post
Celebrities don't often have many friends outside of their entourages. The ones they do have were friends before everything happened. It's a lonely life. Constantly having to go through life wondering if people want to know you and not just want to associate being with someone famous is a terrible way to live. Knowing it automatically comes with being a celebrity, I would never want that kind of life.
Yeah and that's a damn shame. I'm a huge people person, and enjoy talking to people of all walks of life. I'm the guy that talks to the person behind them at the check out line. I am always a little sad at humanity when I say Hi walking by someone and they turn away.

I can still understand the idea of keeping yourself from your fans. People are bastards and some of them just want to be friends with a celeb, and others want to exploit and tag themselves in on their success. I may not be that guy, but it is probably hard for anyone of status to be able to tell. Plus it is easier to blow someone off when they are long distance. Don't get too attached, right?
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Old 04-11-2010, 06:51 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by 12side View Post
Yeah and that's a damn shame. I'm a huge people person, and enjoy talking to people of all walks of life. I'm the guy that talks to the person behind them at the check out line. I am always a little sad at humanity when I say Hi walking by someone and they turn away.

I can still understand the idea of keeping yourself from your fans. People are bastards and some of them just want to be friends with a celeb, and others want to exploit and tag themselves in on their success. I may not be that guy, but it is probably hard for anyone of status to be able to tell. Plus it is easier to blow someone off when they are long distance. Don't get too attached, right?
Also, people forget or don't understand that the person they see in the media is not the same as the person in private. How many stories have we heard about celebs being assholes, or drug addicts, or otherwise just being completely different from what we thought? It takes work to be a public figure and to always behave a certain way. People can encounter a celeb in an airport, for example, and get a photo and an autograph, but then they start talking to them about things they may have read in an article, and think it's fact. It really is sad.
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Old 04-11-2010, 09:21 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by BrownEyedBtch View Post
Also, people forget or don't understand that the person they see in the media is not the same as the person in private. How many stories have we heard about celebs being assholes, or drug addicts, or otherwise just being completely different from what we thought? It takes work to be a public figure and to always behave a certain way. People can encounter a celeb in an airport, for example, and get a photo and an autograph, but then they start talking to them about things they may have read in an article, and think it's fact. It really is sad.
And keep in mind most of the time we read, hear &/or see their dirty laundry, is due to a "friend" telling the media. So they also need to watch who they befriend... Most of time is safer to have the people before the fame as your friends
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Old 04-11-2010, 11:15 PM   #9 (permalink)
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I ran in those circles from my early teens.
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Old 04-12-2010, 08:51 AM   #10 (permalink)
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If you walk around NYC, you see a celebrity almost every day. I used to work in a building at Columbus Circle until they tore it down for the Time Warner building. There was a production office on the same floor as mine. This was the building that had the car flip over in the second Die Hard movie (Die Harder?). I was in the elevator with Mel Gibson (he hid in the corner of this empty space) and I was at the urinal next to Ron Howard. I said, "how ya doin'," to Ron Howard. He responded with a, "hey," or something like that. I never have any interest in bothering these people.

One time I saw Martina Navratalova coming out of a bodega. I did a double take. She saw me look at her and shrunk back into the store. I kept walking. Sure, I took note, but I have no interest in doing more than that.

The most surprising person I ever saw was Frank Deford. Most people don't know him, he was an editor at Sports Illustrated and comments on sports on TV a lot, and I'm sure he's rarely ever stopped. I was walking on the Upper East Side of Manhattan and he was walking towards me. What struck me was how HUGE he was. He is 6' 4" and looks larger! Most actors you see are very short, usually surprisingly short.

Anyway, probably doesn't answer your question, but I usually just stay away.
Originally Posted by slampokes View Post
You could be a terrorist and I would still continue to love you very, very much.
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