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Old 06-06-2006, 12:39 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Grand Unified Bitch n' Controversy Theory

Hey, I heard that the US had a mean army. Hey, I heard that gay people wanna get married. Look, it's God.

Why do we (meaning you, plural) constantly masturbate on these subjects that, honestly, we barely care about, and are definately not well informed on.

I like reading the forums. But, uh, where's the funny?
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Old 06-06-2006, 12:46 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Nick Postagulous

I like reading the forums. But, uh, where's the funny?
when someone talks shit to you, do you usually laugh? i missed the by-laws that said the talk shite forum was supposed to be funny.

and uh...well, 4000 forum members (welcome vacgator, our 4000th member! compared to 2887 members on the D&D forums, curry was right, KATG aint no dawn and drew, lol) on here all trying to be funny and clever all the time with zingers and one liners already and i rarely laugh. face it, we just arent that funny.

so we will continue to talk shite.

start a thread for funny if thats what you want.
Originally Posted by thepetek View Post
To be fair, to really follow Spooky's diet, you can't just eat chicken. You have to spend your days cleaning up after a slob roommate and night shivering like a rain soaked rage filled chihuahua about having to clean up after said roommate until you finally snap and yell at him. It should be called the Mexican maid diet.

Last edited by spooky; 06-06-2006 at 12:54 PM.
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Old 06-06-2006, 12:50 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Nick Postagulous
Hey, I heard that the US had a mean army. Hey, I heard that gay people wanna get married. Look, it's God.

Why do we (meaning you, plural) constantly masturbate on these subjects that, honestly, we barely care about, and are definately not well informed on.

I like reading the forums. But, uh, where's the funny?

that's why we have high mike

for the zingers

that bastard is never serious
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Old 06-06-2006, 01:02 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Nick Postagulous
Hey, I heard that the US had a mean army. Hey, I heard that gay people wanna get married. Look, it's God.
Why do we (meaning you, plural) constantly masturbate on these subjects that, honestly, we barely care about, and are definately not well informed on.

I like reading the forums. But, uh, where's the funny?
What kind of funny do you want?

Sketch routines?

I think you need to unsubscribe from the pissing matchs that occur.

Start a thread to get what you want.
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Old 06-06-2006, 01:02 PM   #5 (permalink)
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I think the funny and entertaining threads and the long, boring shit can co-exist, particularly with so many members.

Although bear in mind there's virtually NO politics on the show, so as Nick says, most people probably aren't looking for political discussions. There should be more fun on the forums.

How come this post in support of more fun in the forums is the most boring you'll read today?

Oh yeah and Spooky, stop cheating your post count or you'll go to hell (1st circle)
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Old 06-06-2006, 01:13 PM   #6 (permalink)
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KATG's forums are awesome, cause if your feeling politically charged today, you can state your opinion on why the democrats are horrible, and within 10 minutes you have 30 post agreeing and disagreeing. It's almost like a debate, and facts are thrown out there, and opinions are thrown out there, and in about 3 days, someone else has started a new charged thread, and everyone forgets about your, and your happy.

Then there are current affair threads that keep you up to date in the world, either serious or not.

Then the tittie threads, for some odd reason they can not go longer than a day.

There are a lot of smart people, and a lot of not so smart people. There are no stupid people, just stupid questions and comments.

I actually look forward to sitting down, and look and see what people are posting, if im not interested i do not look at the thread, cause there are 30 more threads started or commented on that day.

Peace Ya'll
"I may not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend it to the death, for your right to say it."
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Old 06-06-2006, 01:42 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ozdog
KATG's forums are awesome, cause if your feeling politically charged today, you can state your opinion on why the democrats are horrible, and within 10 minutes you have 30 post agreeing and disagreeing. It's almost like a debate, and facts are thrown out there, and opinions are thrown out there, and in about 3 days, someone else has started a new charged thread, and everyone forgets about your, and your happy.

Then there are current affair threads that keep you up to date in the world, either serious or not.

Then the tittie threads, for some odd reason they can not go longer than a day.

There are a lot of smart people, and a lot of not so smart people. There are no stupid people, just stupid questions and comments.

I actually look forward to sitting down, and look and see what people are posting, if im not interested i do not look at the thread, cause there are 30 more threads started or commented on that day.

Peace Ya'll
what he said
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Old 06-06-2006, 02:05 PM   #8 (permalink)
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There's enough humor to find (Image Association, 3-word story, etc.), but if it was just humor, it'd be boring (see Dawn and Drew). The thing that impresses me most about KATG is that it's real. These are two real people who actually tackle issues. D&D try the "real" angle, but after an episode or two, you're just saying "Yeah, you have a dog... Shut it outside, it's annoying". Keith and Chemda don't bore us with their lives. Sure they tell us how their days went, but it's not an hour of "We went to Home Depot" stories. They read news stories, but it's not a news show. The stories are real, but their comments are that of "Real" people, not news anchors (who should be neutral) nor humorists (like the Daily Show). It works. I can't explain it.

The same thing goes for the forums. How many people do you know in real life that refuse to go into discussions with you. I hate arguing politics face to face. I don't know why I like doing it in the forums. Maybe it's because there are people here who are better read than my wife's family (and even my wife sometimes), maybe it's because I don't really know you (I may go my whole life without meeting you), I can't explain it. I can't argue religion at home. My wife's a devout Christian. I'm Christian, but I'm not religious. She doesn't understand it, and when I try to explain it to her, she still doesn't understand and sometimes gets a little resentful.

Besides, it's nice to exhaust all my argumentative skills before I go home to my wife. Trust me, you DON'T want to argue with a pregnant woman. Either she's hormonal and will bitch you into the ground, or she breaks down and starts crying. That's infinitely worse than her bitching you out. If you go home all argued out, you'll have much more sex, sleep, or both (whichever you're in the mood for).

There's plenty enough everything for everyone. If you don't want to read the discussions about religion, politics, then just avoid any thread that has "God" "Laws" "Bush" "War" or any similar shit.

Moral Number 4: The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind. Except in New Jersey, where what's blowing in the wind smells funny.
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Old 06-06-2006, 02:48 PM   #9 (permalink)
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so it's jokes you want huh?

In order to cut costs, the Army offered a bonus to any soldier who would take early retirement. The bonus was to consist of a payment of $1000 per inch, measured between any two parts of the soldiers body.

A lieutenant asked to be measured from his fingertips to his shoulder. The measurement was 38 inches, so the lieutenant was given $38,000.

A captain asked to be measured from his toes to the top of his head. The measurement was 75 inches, so he was paid $75,000.

An old sergeant asked to be measured from the tip of his penis to his testicles. No matter how much the doctor argued, saying he wouldnt make much money, the sergeant was adamant. So he dropped his pants, and the doctor took out his measuring tape....

"My god," said the doctor, "Where are your testicles?"

"In Vietnam," was the answer.

not that funny i know, but what did you expect? the forums aren't funny anymore.
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Old 06-06-2006, 09:51 PM   #10 (permalink)
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I'm starting a website and forum where the political junkies can go but there already so many out there, I don't know if it'll stick. Hopefully Deuce will come in there and try to fry me with his comments..

KATG has a great cross-section of people with every kind of knowledge and experience you can imagine so regardless whether it's funny or not, it's entertaining.

BTW: You want funny? This is post # 756 for me. I just passed Hank Aaron. I apologize for that joke.
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