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Old 01-21-2008, 04:24 PM   #131 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by spooky View Post
untrustworthy because she drank your beer? or because she had a hidden personal problem that you confronted her on and she tried to keep hidden? id ask myself why she would bother with a lie. or four page notes. i guess not everyone will keep a friend through thick and through thin, though.
The "friend" as been stealing things from Jesi to fund the habit... smokes up the house, and lets other druggies crash at their pad.

When you're female, and your safety is at issue, you have to do what you have to do. The friendship can possibly be fixed once Jesi and her things are safe.
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Old 01-21-2008, 05:46 PM   #132 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by DaHonay View Post
The "friend" as been stealing things from Jesi to fund the habit... smokes up the house, and lets other druggies crash at their pad.

When you're female, and your safety is at issue, you have to do what you have to do. The friendship can possibly be fixed once Jesi and her things are safe.
i only see whats here, if theres more to the story, its not on this thread.

things i know:

1. roomie stole beer from fridge
2. jesi has gone through the roomie's room before to retreive her unspecified things.
3. jesi or someone she runs with wrongly went through the roomie's and found needles, and took a picture
4. the roomie talks too loud on the phone
5. the roomie, upon confrontation, said the needles were for diabetes(probably a lie), and jesi knows nothing about diabetes, but believes she does(quoting costs for monthly use, not even knowing what type or management required)
6. jesi thinks anyone with a needle is a junkie.

what i believe really happened, based on what i read:

1. jesi dislikes her roomie, who has become an inconvenience because of her open nature. (taking things she wants from fridge, using household items without asking, leaves her door open to her room, talks on phone when not in a private setting)
2. jesi's boyfriend doesnt like the roomie.
3. jesi is making a huge deal out of virtually nothing at all
4. jesi has changed her personal boundaries and failed to inform her former friend.
5. the roomie possibly has tried an IV drug, or is close with someone who has.
6. the roomie is considerate enough to not ever take the last of something that she didnt buy.
7. jesi doesnt like the difference in family values/support that her roomie is privilege to
8. jesi wants to nest with her BF, and wants to be the only bird in the house
9. the roomie cares enough about the friendship that she wrote a four page emotional note to try and save it.
10. If the roomie needs help, she now knows Jesi isnt someone she can turn to.
11. Jesi is willing to do very bad things to someone to get her way.

questions i have:

1. what has the roomie actually stolen?
2. what reason is there to be sure she is a junkie?
3. what evidence is there that she is stealing to support this alleged drug habit?
4. why does Rye say its heroin?
5. was jesi ever okay, before this nonsense, with the roomie drinking/eating some of her things from the fridge, in her 10 year history?
6. has the roomie ever not paid rent?
7. has Jesi ever not had rent on time?
8. why would a good person entertain ideas of such destructive magnitude against a friend, even a former one, based on such petty things, as petty things is all ive seen evidenced in this thread.

i do concede that theres lots i do not know about the situation, and i assume everyone commenting here is in the know, and not just basing their judgement entirely from whats presented in this thread(because, obviously, that would make them beyond retarded). so dont take anything i say as personally offensive, i am not well informed, and this view is based mainly on speculation and ignorance.
Originally Posted by thepetek View Post
To be fair, to really follow Spooky's diet, you can't just eat chicken. You have to spend your days cleaning up after a slob roommate and night shivering like a rain soaked rage filled chihuahua about having to clean up after said roommate until you finally snap and yell at him. It should be called the Mexican maid diet.
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Old 01-21-2008, 08:20 PM   #133 (permalink)
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Jesi, I lived with a bunch of drug addicts for about 6 months. They were awful people who would eschew paying the heating bill in order to fund their respective habits. It was a living situation that started out fine and quickly fell down hill. After I had left, 2 roommates moved out in the middle of the night and everyone was subsequently evicted. I never thought the situation would go as badly as it did, but when hard drugs are involved, you open yourself up for problems. The best I cab tell you is, cut your losses, and get the fuck out while you still have your valubles. Keep her as informed as you legally need to (ie, 30 days) and get out as fast as you can. I feel your pain, and it is the reason I refuse to live with roommates now.
"Sorry Dad, I ruined Christmas *send*." -Ray Devito, Episode 850 "Newsy's Twat"

"'Did your parents take Pat's side?' 'Kind of'"-Mark Normand and Chemda Episode 2087: Sweeps Week

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Old 01-21-2008, 11:20 PM   #134 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by spooky View Post
i only see whats here, if theres more to the story, its not on this thread.

things i know:

1. roomie stole beer from fridge
2. jesi has gone through the roomie's room before to retreive her unspecified things.
3. jesi or someone she runs with wrongly went through the roomie's and found needles, and took a picture
4. the roomie talks too loud on the phone
5. the roomie, upon confrontation, said the needles were for diabetes(probably a lie), and jesi knows nothing about diabetes, but believes she does(quoting costs for monthly use, not even knowing what type or management required)
6. jesi thinks anyone with a needle is a junkie.

what i believe really happened, based on what i read:

1. jesi dislikes her roomie, who has become an inconvenience because of her open nature. (taking things she wants from fridge, using household items without asking, leaves her door open to her room, talks on phone when not in a private setting)
2. jesi's boyfriend doesnt like the roomie.
3. jesi is making a huge deal out of virtually nothing at all
4. jesi has changed her personal boundaries and failed to inform her former friend.
5. the roomie possibly has tried an IV drug, or is close with someone who has.
6. the roomie is considerate enough to not ever take the last of something that she didnt buy.
7. jesi doesnt like the difference in family values/support that her roomie is privilege to
8. jesi wants to nest with her BF, and wants to be the only bird in the house
9. the roomie cares enough about the friendship that she wrote a four page emotional note to try and save it.
10. If the roomie needs help, she now knows Jesi isnt someone she can turn to.
11. Jesi is willing to do very bad things to someone to get her way.

questions i have:

1. what has the roomie actually stolen?
2. what reason is there to be sure she is a junkie?
3. what evidence is there that she is stealing to support this alleged drug habit?
4. why does Rye say its heroin?
5. was jesi ever okay, before this nonsense, with the roomie drinking/eating some of her things from the fridge, in her 10 year history?
6. has the roomie ever not paid rent?
7. has Jesi ever not had rent on time?
8. why would a good person entertain ideas of such destructive magnitude against a friend, even a former one, based on such petty things, as petty things is all ive seen evidenced in this thread.

i do concede that theres lots i do not know about the situation, and i assume everyone commenting here is in the know, and not just basing their judgement entirely from whats presented in this thread(because, obviously, that would make them beyond retarded). so dont take anything i say as personally offensive, i am not well informed, and this view is based mainly on speculation and ignorance.
Oh please spooky. Go ahead and spout your disclaimer. Yes you're right, you do know nothing of the situation, but you still have to go around and try to trash me.

i know people with diabetes and I asked them many questions before i came to any conclusions. Why would i cite a figure if i was purely speculating costs & pricing of insulin? I don't go around pulling figures out of my ass.

People with needles aren't necessarily junkies. People with needles with brown residue, most likely ARE. Insulin is clear. You can see in the closeup of that pic that there is brown residue, most likely blood and whatever drug mixed with it. Also, WHY would people with needles for a legit reason keep them around after they have been used? Why would they keep them in a box with burnt tin foil, baggies, straws, and other drugs? It's her weed box for godssakes. If you were going to keep other drugs, you'd keep them all in the same place. If you had medicine, you would not keep it there.

Who cares what my motives are? All i have said is i do not want this person in my home. This person has violated my personal comfort level, and i do not feel safe or happy living here anymore.

Questions you have, although i don't feel it necessary to answer them, i will do so for the purpose of entertainment.

1. She has stolen money from my room, food, general household items, and alcohol. yeah, it's not a big deal, but it is nothing that anyone should have to contend with for a roommate situation. Your home should be a safe place. And if it's okay to steal minor things from your roommate on a regular basis, and you are using drugs, when do further lines get crossed?
This is her major defense, well i've taken things, but nothing that's a big deal. Fuck that. You don't know what is a big deal to them. And $10 here, $10 there on a regular basis adds up. It's shit that i don't need to have happen. I am not her mother, i should not need to support her. I don't think it's shit that I should have to put up with, or be expected to put up with, friend or not.
2. I have a plethora of evidence that she does not have diabetes, having "diabetes" is the number one defense of possessing needles for a drug habit. Plus the fact that she has hung out with KNOWN junkies, and brought them into the house.
3. Nobody said she was stealing to support a drug habit. You obviously have never dealt with junkies before. IF it gets to that point where they are regularly using and cannot support the habit they will stop at nothing. I have known enough people using hard drugs to know that they are not the people i want to trust with open access to my home.
4. Rye says it is heroin because he knows enough about it and felt comfortable saying that it is definitely a substance abuse situation.
5. I have not lived with this person for 10 years, so this is a stupid question. And no, i have never been okay with her taking my things, and have made it clear.
6. Yes, she has not been able to pay rent, and I told her I would not cover it for her, so she had to get the money through other means. Also, I put up money to move in, so technically she did not pay first months' rent until weeks later. Which i was okay with THEN, because i did not expect her to be using hard drugs or taking advantage of me.
7. Yes i have always paid rent on time, and i fronted money to move in.
8. i don't know how to answer this question or what exactly you're getting at.

You are twisting the facts to fit your own personal assumptions. The roommate had not written multiple 3-4 page letters based on caring about the relationship. My asking her to stop taking things that don't belong to her was reciprocated with assaults on me personally. If you choose to believe that immature personal attacks and childish knee-jerk reactions to a situation are symptoms of caring about a relationship, then you are mistaken.

It doesn't matter if i like this person or not. It doesn't matter whether she likes me or not. There are certain agreements you make when you are living with someone, and violating these agreements leads to a very uncomfortable and unhappy situation. Bottom line, i don't feel like someone should treat me shitty and expect me to deal with it, or allow for it.

I know that your sole purpose is to be disagreeable, but you do know nothing about what is going on, and you obviously cannot understand the degree of shittiness that this person is imposing on me. So leave it alone then. Agree to disagree.
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Old 01-21-2008, 11:22 PM   #135 (permalink)
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^^^^^^^ jesus you actually wasted that much time responding to a post from spooky? jeez I cant even be bothered to read the first line....
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Old 01-21-2008, 11:24 PM   #136 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Sapgreenpeppers View Post
Jesi, I lived with a bunch of drug addicts for about 6 months. They were awful people who would eschew paying the heating bill in order to fund their respective habits. It was a living situation that started out fine and quickly fell down hill. After I had left, 2 roommates moved out in the middle of the night and everyone was subsequently evicted. I never thought the situation would go as badly as it did, but when hard drugs are involved, you open yourself up for problems. The best I cab tell you is, cut your losses, and get the fuck out while you still have your valubles. Keep her as informed as you legally need to (ie, 30 days) and get out as fast as you can. I feel your pain, and it is the reason I refuse to live with roommates now.
Yeah i'm pretty sure she has been keeping money we've been paying toward the electric bill. She already had outstanding debt to the electric company on her account, so it is hard to tell, but it seems like the outstanding money owed keeps getting larger. So, who knows how much longer we'll have electricity.

I've already come to terms with the fact that I need to get out. But thanks for the input.
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Old 01-21-2008, 11:26 PM   #137 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jesikat View Post
Oh please spooky. Go ahead and spout your disclaimer. Yes you're right, you do know nothing of the situation, but you still have to go around and try to trash me.

i know people with diabetes and I asked them many questions before i came to any conclusions. Why would i cite a figure if i was purely speculating costs & pricing of insulin? I don't go around pulling figures out of my ass.

People with needles aren't necessarily junkies. People with needles with brown residue, most likely ARE. Insulin is clear. You can see in the closeup of that pic that there is brown residue, most likely blood and whatever drug mixed with it. Also, WHY would people with needles for a legit reason keep them around after they have been used? Why would they keep them in a box with burnt tin foil, baggies, straws, and other drugs? It's her weed box for godssakes. If you were going to keep other drugs, you'd keep them all in the same place. If you had medicine, you would not keep it there.

Who cares what my motives are? All i have said is i do not want this person in my home. This person has violated my personal comfort level, and i do not feel safe or happy living here anymore.

Questions you have, although i don't feel it necessary to answer them, i will do so for the purpose of entertainment.

1. She has stolen money from my room, food, general household items, and alcohol. yeah, it's not a big deal, but it is nothing that anyone should have to contend with for a roommate situation. Your home should be a safe place. And if it's okay to steal minor things from your roommate on a regular basis, and you are using drugs, when do further lines get crossed?
This is her major defense, well i've taken things, but nothing that's a big deal. Fuck that. You don't know what is a big deal to them. And $10 here, $10 there on a regular basis adds up. It's shit that i don't need to have happen. I am not her mother, i should not need to support her. I don't think it's shit that I should have to put up with, or be expected to put up with, friend or not.
2. I have a plethora of evidence that she does not have diabetes, having "diabetes" is the number one defense of possessing needles for a drug habit. Plus the fact that she has hung out with KNOWN junkies, and brought them into the house.
3. Nobody said she was stealing to support a drug habit. You obviously have never dealt with junkies before. IF it gets to that point where they are regularly using and cannot support the habit they will stop at nothing. I have known enough people using hard drugs to know that they are not the people i want to trust with open access to my home.
4. Rye says it is heroin because he knows enough about it and felt comfortable saying that it is definitely a substance abuse situation.
5. I have not lived with this person for 10 years, so this is a stupid question. And no, i have never been okay with her taking my things, and have made it clear.
6. Yes, she has not been able to pay rent, and I told her I would not cover it for her, so she had to get the money through other means. Also, I put up money to move in, so technically she did not pay first months' rent until weeks later. Which i was okay with THEN, because i did not expect her to be using hard drugs or taking advantage of me.
7. Yes i have always paid rent on time, and i fronted money to move in.
8. i don't know how to answer this question or what exactly you're getting at.

You are twisting the facts to fit your own personal assumptions. The roommate had not written multiple 3-4 page letters based on caring about the relationship. My asking her to stop taking things that don't belong to her was reciprocated with assaults on me personally. If you choose to believe that immature personal attacks and childish knee-jerk reactions to a situation are symptoms of caring about a relationship, then you are mistaken.

It doesn't matter if i like this person or not. It doesn't matter whether she likes me or not. There are certain agreements you make when you are living with someone, and violating these agreements leads to a very uncomfortable and unhappy situation. Bottom line, i don't feel like someone should treat me shitty and expect me to deal with it, or allow for it.

I know that your sole purpose is to be disagreeable, but you do know nothing about what is going on, and you obviously cannot understand the degree of shittiness that this person is imposing on me. So leave it alone then. Agree to disagree.
Ok, I am going to play devil's advocate but I don't think he is trying to trash you.

Why would you feel the need to explain yourself to him (spooky)? I mean you have asked for opinions and his are neat and to an extent valid but seriously. He's not part of your situation, and that is what happens when you post stuff like this. Not that it is bad, everyone likes the different perspectives.
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Old 01-21-2008, 11:28 PM   #138 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Grapist View Post
Ok, I am going to play devil's advocate but I don't think he is trying to trash you.

Why would you feel the need to explain yourself to him (spooky)? I mean you have asked for opinions and his are neat and to an extent valid but seriously. He's not part of your situation, and that is what happens when you post stuff like this. Not that it is bad, everyone likes the different perspectives.
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Old 01-21-2008, 11:29 PM   #139 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jesikat View Post
psst i hear theres pics of this cutie guy in Ryes thread.....
/tries to distract from dumb argument
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Old 01-21-2008, 11:33 PM   #140 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jesikat View Post
So now I am teh evalzzz????

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