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Old 03-20-2020, 01:20 PM   #21 (permalink)
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I don't drive and can't afford delivery so this week has been breaking my fast food addiction, yay!

Still leaving the house for now to work alone in a real estate office, but it's been dead & boss said things were tight before this so I imagine joblessness is inevitable. Appreciating the general increase in content to stream/download. I've continued my habit of downloading to a portable MP3 player so I can be mostly offline in the evenings (with the exception of Roku) - twitter for 7 hours is more than enough.

Stay safe!
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Old 03-21-2020, 04:41 PM   #22 (permalink)
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For anyone who's experiencing elevated anxiety one of the best responses is to get some exercise in.

Not only from the classic "exercise is as good for your mental health as it is for your physical health" angle, but anything you can to to make your cardiovascular system stronger (while also maintaining social distancing of course) will help you fight this cardiovascular system virus if you do catch it, so it makes pragmatic sense from all angles.

The more fit you are the more efficient your internal energy management system is so the stronger your immune system is too. If you can't get outdoors for a walk/run because you're in isolation or on lockdown there are literally babillions of home cardio vids on YouTube.

Obviously also make sure you don't over-do it, because running your energy levels low for any extended period will of course ding your immune system, so make sure you factor in some recovery rest time and take in enough calories too.

And it's win-win-win-win, because also the fitter you are the better you fuck, so even if you don't catch the covid you're still going to be a better sex machine, and we all want that for you too.
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Old 03-22-2020, 07:27 PM   #23 (permalink)
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I started feeling anxious and overanalyzing how long will my job keep paying me to not go to work and all that entails, and then I got sick myself. Not COVID-19, just my usual annual cold/throat infection ailment with post nasal drip and that irritation has been a bit of a distraction.

Now I’m just focusing on getting better with antibiotics, lots of tea with honey/lemon, salt water gargling, Afrin, and binge watching old favorites like Monk, Farscape, Inuyasha, and watching a new show called Carnival Row which is interesting.

Also keeping up with the news which I guess is still distressing but is now becoming the new normal for me.

It’s also frustrating, that in all of this, Bernie isn’t being seen as the best option for the country. Biden is holed in his bunker after that last live video he did where he started down the camera till his wife kissed him on the cheek to get his attention to walk off.

But oh well, that’s the harsh reality I guess.

Update: Joe Biden’s Team says his house doesn’t have high ceilings for proper lighting as the reason for why he’s MIA; meanwhile, Bernie has been the most presidential on his site (including right now 7pm EST) addressing our nation’s concern with COVID-19, and what the government should do to help its citizenry.

Last edited by juliofromny; 03-22-2020 at 07:38 PM. Reason: Update
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Old 03-23-2020, 09:47 AM   #24 (permalink)
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Captain's Log, day who fucking knows...

Today I traded with my neighbour: an egg for a weed joint. I'm liking this new bartering system. 😂👌
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Old 03-23-2020, 12:48 PM   #25 (permalink)
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Update from Canada

It seems like our government has been on top of things. The government has announced various funds they will issue to people who have to stay home, farmers, small businesses, etc.. If you are affected by Covid-19 in Canada, at least there will be some money to help out!

Today Justin Trudeau said "enough is enough". This is a very serious talking-to in Canadian terms. No more screwing around, people, get home and stay home! His wife has Covid and they've been in self-isolation for a while now.

Over the weekend a lady who is in quarantine in Quebec went for a walk and got arrested. "Quarantine" means it's mandatory to stay in, as opposed to "self-isolation" or "social distancing". Chemda is in self-isolation, Keith is practicing social distancing.
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Old 03-23-2020, 12:50 PM   #26 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Lord of the Cock Rings View Post
Our governor (Wisconsin) has issued the shelter at home decree. Starting tomorrow, no non-essential trips or business
NY is on PAUSE as of last night so same policy with different name. Wonder what the other states will call it when they start issuing that decree.
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Old 03-23-2020, 01:01 PM   #27 (permalink)
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We have now contact VERBOT. Only going outside with the family you live with
Or one non family person.
Bad times for poly people.

Outside you have to stay away from others at least 1.5m.

I don't mind that.
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Old 03-24-2020, 03:52 AM   #28 (permalink)
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Today I, with a college of mine am a online it trainer for my team starting in 9 minutes.
That’s a good day. I will share my screen with them and explain stuff in one on one sessions.

It works luckily 2 are up to date and the new program is working. 3 to go.
I'm giving qlik sense tutorials.
Its sexy data analysis.

Last edited by Apia resurrected; 03-24-2020 at 07:13 AM.
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Old 03-24-2020, 06:22 AM   #29 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Bucho View Post
For anyone who's experiencing elevated anxiety one of the best responses is to get some exercise in.

Not only from the classic "exercise is as good for your mental health as it is for your physical health" angle, but anything you can to to make your cardiovascular system stronger (while also maintaining social distancing of course) will help you fight this cardiovascular system virus if you do catch it, so it makes pragmatic sense from all angles.

The more fit you are the more efficient your internal energy management system is so the stronger your immune system is too. If you can't get outdoors for a walk/run because you're in isolation or on lockdown there are literally babillions of home cardio vids on YouTube.

Obviously also make sure you don't over-do it, because running your energy levels low for any extended period will of course ding your immune system, so make sure you factor in some recovery rest time and take in enough calories too.
This i agree with, TONS . You da man Buches.

Originally Posted by Bucho View Post
And it's win-win-win-win, because also the fitter you are the better you fuck, so even if you don't catch the covid you're still going to be a better sex machine, and we all want that for you too.
And this i agree with even more. STAMINA. You The Alpha Man, Buches.
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Old 03-24-2020, 04:57 PM   #30 (permalink)
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Update to where I felt last week. My work has shut down all offices and only having higher ups/security left in the building. They never really thought they would have people working from home so the servers they have created are very slow and freeze a lot. Sometimes you can't even get on. They say they'll still pay us if we are unable to access it because it is the companies fault. They are also thinking about having some people just do internet chats instead of having phone calls since that is where a lot of issues are coming from.

I am staying inside the best I can. I did have to pick up a desk top from work yesterday as well as purchase an ethernet cable from home depot since they didn't provide me with one. The server so far isn't working for me. So I'm being paid to do continuous education courses for the job. The state I'm in closed schools for the rest of the academic year and is closing some of the businesses such as spas, gyms, hair salons.

I'm hoping that my job fixes the servers or allows me/others who are having issues do internet work. I'm grateful that they aren't firing people or causing them to go without pay, but it's rocky and getting to be more scary everyday.
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