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Old 06-06-2006, 12:44 PM   #1 (permalink)
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I'm at a kids education book making place as a temp.
One of the perms here sent out a company wide email asking "Where were you on 6,6,6? Make it a good one."

Heres the reply made by a temp.

I woke up in darkness. Seriously. I couldnt see anything, and my bed felt like a pile of goo. I was trying to figure out why there was no light, when I realized that my cat had sat on my head.

Truly frightening.

The goo was this new tempra foam mattress pad. You really must get one.

I showered, I ate breakfast. I felt obscenely close to killing all of humanity, while I finished my Special K. Oh, and I was watching an episode of The Simpsons, their IV Halloween Special.

From there, I got onto the subway. Id never brought an ax onto the R line before. Usually, people are down-right miserable, dreading going to work. This morning, they seemed more... animated.

I went to grab the express which was closing up, ready to pull out of the station. I waved to the conductor, ax in hand. Id never seen a conductor smile and cry, at the same time.

The N train was very similar to the R train, except now the crowd seemed to be shying away from me, as if I smelled REALLY bad. In truth, I think it was the homeless guy that was sitting down in front of me, but when he moved... I had to check under my shoes, just in case, you know?

I got to 34th street without further incident, and took the walk up the stairs slow, whilst sharpening my ax. Ever have a police officer throw his gun at your feet and start crying for him mommy? Its something everyone should experience.

Down 32nd street. Asian people left and right were running from me, as if I were Godzilla.

Round the corner at 32nd and Madison, into the heavy double doors of this building (I swear, Im breaking them down today) and, at first, I thought that curly haired guy who presides over the 1 x 2 booth by the elevators was going to ask me for ID. Again. He fainted.

Now, Im transferred to the 4th floor, among bras and brassieres and panties... Its all been very soothing.

BUT. Im waiting for Dave Blumenfeld to give me work... And, I have to say, things might get messy.

Son of the Devil.

This was sent out to every one!! Company wide.

Heres a lesson on why you should learn not to use the reply all button on your email.
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Old 06-06-2006, 01:09 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by solid
I'm at a kids education book making place as a temp.
One of the perms here sent out a company wide email asking "Where were you on 6,6,6? Make it a good one."

Heres the reply made by a temp.

I woke up in darkness. Seriously. I couldnt see anything, and my bed felt like a pile of goo. I was trying to figure out why there was no light, when I realized that my cat had sat on my head.

Truly frightening.

The goo was this new tempra foam mattress pad. You really must get one.

I showered, I ate breakfast. I felt obscenely close to killing all of humanity, while I finished my Special K. Oh, and I was watching an episode of The Simpsons, their IV Halloween Special.

From there, I got onto the subway. Id never brought an ax onto the R line before. Usually, people are down-right miserable, dreading going to work. This morning, they seemed more... animated.

I went to grab the express which was closing up, ready to pull out of the station. I waved to the conductor, ax in hand. Id never seen a conductor smile and cry, at the same time.

The N train was very similar to the R train, except now the crowd seemed to be shying away from me, as if I smelled REALLY bad. In truth, I think it was the homeless guy that was sitting down in front of me, but when he moved... I had to check under my shoes, just in case, you know?

I got to 34th street without further incident, and took the walk up the stairs slow, whilst sharpening my ax. Ever have a police officer throw his gun at your feet and start crying for him mommy? Its something everyone should experience.

Down 32nd street. Asian people left and right were running from me, as if I were Godzilla.

Round the corner at 32nd and Madison, into the heavy double doors of this building (I swear, Im breaking them down today) and, at first, I thought that curly haired guy who presides over the 1 x 2 booth by the elevators was going to ask me for ID. Again. He fainted.

Now, Im transferred to the 4th floor, among bras and brassieres and panties... Its all been very soothing.

BUT. Im waiting for Dave Blumenfeld to give me work... And, I have to say, things might get messy.

Son of the Devil.

This was sent out to every one!! Company wide.

Heres a lesson on why you should learn not to use the reply all button on your email.

Ha Ha Ha!!!

I did something similar but not as sick... Anyone wishing to read the email and the end result which was an apology to people who live in a Borough of Manhattan can PM me, as if I posted it here I'd prolly be found out...
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Old 06-06-2006, 01:31 PM   #3 (permalink)
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That's fucking brilliant!

Not good for keeping your job, but brilliant nonetheless.
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Old 06-06-2006, 09:46 PM   #4 (permalink)
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I did a similar thing once but managed to extricate from it.

I was doing some web programming for Person A. Person B was helping with the work. Person A was acting like it was a lot of money and going on about how he wasn't sure he wanted to spend so much money but finally emailed me and said go ahead.

So I went to forward the message to Person B and wrote something like, "Looks like the motherfucker has money after all. Let's get together and get this thing going." Only problem was that I hit REPLY instead of FORWARD.

I managed to get in and delete the message from his inbox and from his deleted items before he downloaded it. Whew..
Keith: "Now go get your cane, little baby faggot."
Chemda: "As soon as you talk about farm rape, you're in the sack. That's hot."
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Old 06-07-2006, 12:43 AM   #5 (permalink)
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very smart, smarter than me, but that's not saying that much.
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