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View Poll Results: Pick YOUR top 3!
This poll will close on 10-20-2010 at 08:53 PM
jazz 137 29.27%
-John-, adrock, Ames, AndyCr15, Ansur, aphill31, Aristokat, Asgardsfall, aunt_helen, awesomesauce, azbees, Babbling Bryan, Badger, BakaZaru, banger316, bankyanks, Bavarianchick, Beau, Bebe, beef, Beefo, beefsupreme, beerchick, ben_donghorn, berger77, BigRed, Big_Beaner, bithead, bjogae, blackflag, blackpussy, bluebell, bluecrucial, Bo&Ellie, boiseboy, borloff, Bretmont, brotherdarkness, Bucho, bumpers, burns, BurnSpeed, Callan, Calypso, carrot, Cart Horse, Carter Hall, cashew, censorshipwreck, Chef, chickensandwich, club america, coachcrazy47, cooney, CoreyNC, Cortney, cqrt, crecentroll, Cretaceous Bob, CuriousKlepto, curtdawg, cvguy, dangerous, DarkKnightJared, dcGirl, deznice, Didgeridrew, dietblack, DJ Trashy, DozerMungus, dr.chode, drunkenass, DudeEMETIB, DWarrior, EastTexas, Eats Paste, elastoplastic, EllaMacFarlane, EllisCarver, elvisrico69, emmalee, Feisty Midget, frankfromtexas, FredG, Gibeault, golgi body, greenjoules, Grimnil, Grinch, Guy, gweeb, hercircus, hoshnobobo2.0, idle_but_deadly, ifedamermaid, iheartnihilism, IK2K3, Insomniac108, Instigator, Ion, iowajerkoff, jadogg1222, jblades42, Jenni, jereinoc, jerfink2003, jerry, JessicaAnn, JessieB, jessnyc, jmac, JoeBooks, JoeyDeee, Jonzard, Josh, jo_glo, Junkenstein,, justjohn, KarmaKitten, kataish, keithnc, kevmn, KIMjongILLIN, Kloun, knucklehead32, lalalemon, Lanfear, LArciniega, LennyQQQQ, Little_Miss_Khaos, littlp, lizsquiz, lnikunen, Lord of the Cock Rings, Madcat, Mags, Malcolm Is Moore, Mandalee, Mandias, Manx, matador77, Mattdactyl, mattical, mcbane89, mchaelal28, mds, Meep, memecherry, Mike (Not Really), MisterJonas, MJG, Monoboy, Mr. Bean, MrBurger, murple, naberdy, neRD, Nerd!, nhlegend, nineinchmike, Nospheritu, NotQuite, NZHippo, ohdamn, ohhhhhdavid, ohhnomariana, oneman, Orko, Osiris, outlaw, Ovrnght, P-van, pala, PanaTex, panic_chick, PatrickandAlana, Pattino, pete_in_florida, PFT, Phalanx, Pharekyz, picante dan, picard102, pinoy0004, Piscean, PJammaz, poga, POON_4x4, porky2468, Positive Control, powderjester, ProckNation, puddlewatcher, RabidWolf, rabmizzle, RachaelBachael, ravsicle, rayray14, rehtaFrey, Ric MF, RichardUOIT, Rixster, Robinmx, roiktpowerweasel, RoundAbout, Rufio, Rusty Bones, ryanvc76, Ryan_1523, s1lentslayer, sagzy, SayMyNameBitch, scientist, scottperezfox, Scruples, Serenity, Serg, sex_n_diamonds, Shadow, Shaft, siric, sklXbns, Skunk'd LT, slam_858, Sleezy G, SOL, Somethingdumb, Spanky McDuck, SSG, ssgtballard, standardman, Starekase, starfalsh, StasRox, Station, StereoKill, stevo8523, stratwill, Svage, sweet_afton, TeddyPicker, The Count, The Gunner, The Living Dead, The Quintessential Loser, the.real.jer, theguy2009, thot, Threeman, Thumbnail, Token, Tombo, truthv7, tWiStEd, Twofirstnames, twohumps, Twoticketstoparadise, txmikey45, uno vato, Vandal, VCTim, violachick8, waffles, Weeney, whatsername, wildeman, wookietv, word, xiques_brown, yoav, ZeroOne, Zomniac
273 58.33%
-John-, Altruism, amyuilani, Ansur, aphill31, armenta, Arson, arty, Asgardsfall, ashamed, awesomesauce, Babbling Bryan, Backwoodsatc, BadAsh, badvcr, banger316, baristaman, Beau, Bebe, Beefo, beerchick, ben_donghorn, berger77, BigJim50, BigRed, Big_Beaner, bill43, Biscutty, bithead, Bitter/Oso, bizzaro, bjogae, blackflag, Bo&Ellie, bofadeeznizzles, bonscott1, bpinsky33, BrianAlt, brotherdarkness, bumpers, burns, buster, Callan, CanadianRyan, carrot, Cart Horse, Carter Hall, cashew, CAsoul, censorshipwreck, chickensandwich, Chronicle615, ConnMan, cqrt, crazyrob, crecentroll, creep, cthulhu, curtdawg, cvguy, daemon, dangerous, dansinn, DaveNJ, Dee, Didgeridrew, dietblack, divus, DJ Trashy, dm_christopher, DozerMungus, dr.chode, Draconis, drunkenass, dtheman, DudeEMETIB, DWarrior, EastTexas, EatTheWeak, eckfoo, Electric Squirrel, emmalee, Everytings Neon, faceboy, FailedSkateboards, firefighter_chick, frankfromtexas, FredG, FreydNot, FSUMike, funnygurl1979, Furious Stylz, fuzbubbles, Ginger Balls, GMan, golgi body, Grimnil, Grinch, gusrolf, Guy, gweeb, H0LY_S0X, handsome hansen, hayroob, hoshnobobo2.0, HumbleNarrator, IK2K3, incomingtrout, Insomniac108, Invisiphil, Ion, iowajerkoff, iownslaves, irongrunty, i_like_cheese_2001, JakeSol007, jayson, jblades42, jessnyc, jillybean, John Galt, Junkenstein,, justjohn, jwil813, K-Paq, Kale, Keith, killdozer, kkiller, Kloun, knucklehead32, Kyle, KzooKid, lalalemon, LArciniega, lattaland, Lawfer, linescience, littlp, lizsquiz, lnikunen, Lord of the Cock Rings, Luke, m0o0op, Malcolm Is Moore, MaltaFan, Mandalee, Mandias, Manx, mario305, Mattdactyl, mattical, mcbane89, mchaelal28, mds, mdsan8370, Medium Brumski, Meep, metal_martha_stewart, metzfanaz, Mike (Not Really), Mike The Poet, mikeysavs, missmilf25, mockingbird, Monjo, Mr. Bean, Mr.Shaw, murple, natman, neRD, Nerd!, nhlegend, nicbc503, Nospheritu, ohdamn, ohhhhhdavid, Only Me, Orko, Osiris, P-van, pala, PanaTex, panic_chick, PatrickandAlana, pete_in_florida, PFT, Phaenix, Pharekyz, picante dan, picard102, Pier777, pinoy0004, Piscean, POON_4x4, Positive Control, powderjester, preachers boy, ProckNation, puddlewatcher, RabidWolf, ragingindie, rayray14, rehtaFrey, reorex, Ric MF, RichardUOIT, riles, RollingStone, Ryan_1523, rylake, s1lentslayer, SapandPJ, Sapgreenpeppers, SayMyNameBitch, scotticus, Seminolewill, Shadow, siric, sklXbns, slam_858, slayer23, sluggo916, Smitho, snwlover79, SOL, Spejosh, spencerfoltinek, ssgtballard, standardman, starscream, Station, StereoKill, strangeone, Sungi, tandrew6655, TeddyPicker, tempfoot, thangers, The Living Dead, the.real.jer, theguy2009, thot, Threeman, Toastmold, Token, Trombone plyr, truthv7, tsaylor, tuhey, Twofirstnames, twohumps, Twoticketstoparadise, txmikey45, tyty, Ubersketchy, Vimes, violachick8, walruspaunch, Weeney, whatsername, willyd, wookietv, xerxes, yourfriggindad, zeldink, Zomniac
268 57.26%
Absolute, adamsmellsfunny, alannanana, aleksanneNJ, Altruism, Ames, Ansur, Aristokat, armenta, arty, Asgardsfall, ashamed, aunt_helen, awesomesauce, azbees, Babbling Bryan, BadAsh, Badger, Bavarianchick, Bebe, beef, beerchick, berger77, Big M, BigJim50, Biscutty, blackflag, Bo&Ellie, bofadeeznizzles, boiseboy, bonscott1, bpinsky33, BrianAlt, brianward81, Bucho, bumpers, BurnSpeed, buster, Calypso, carrot, Carter Hall, CAsoul, ChaosJunkie, Chef, Chronicle615, ClosedSequence, club america, coachcrazy47, ConnMan, conradsmiley, cooney, CoreyNC, Cortney, crazyrob, crecentroll, Cretaceous Bob, CuriousKlepto, dangerous, dansinn, DarkKnightJared, dcGirl, demandred32h, divus, dm_christopher, DozerMungus, dr.chode, Draconis, EastTexas, eckfoo, elastoplastic, EllaMacFarlane, elmacgato, Everytings Neon, faceboy, fallingwindows, Feisty Midget, firefighter_chick, frankfromtexas, freakish miseryx, FreydNot, FSUMike, Furious Stylz, fuzbubbles, GFunk, Gibeault, Ginger Balls, golgi body, guitarrob, gusrolf, H0LY_S0X, handsome hansen, hayroob, hercircus, hoshnobobo2.0, HumbleNarrator, ifedamermaid, iheartnihilism, incomingtrout, Insomniac108, Ion, iowajerkoff, iownslaves, i_like_cheese_2001, jadogg1222, JakeSol007, jamesjohns, jerfink2003, jerry, JessicaAnn, jessnyc, jillybean, jmac, John Galt, Josh The Jew, jo_glo,, Kale, kaptin kraut, KarmaKitten, keithnc, killdozer, kkiller, knucklehead32, Kuroishiro, Kyle, labelmore, Lanfear, lattaland, littlp, Lord of the Cock Rings, Luke, m0o0op, Mags, MaltaFan, Mandalee, Mandias, mario305, matador77, mcbane89, mchaelal28, mdsan8370, Medium Brumski, Mike (Not Really), mikeysavs, missmilf25, MisterJonas, MJG, mockingbird, Monjo, MrBurger, MrPoutine, murple, naberdy, natman, neRD, nicbc503, nineinchmike, NoArmsJames, NotQuite, ohhhhhdavid, ohhnomariana, Only Me, outlaw, Ovrnght, P-van, PanaTex, Pattino, PFT, picante dan, Pier777, Piscean, PJammaz, poga, Polymath Jack, POON_4x4, porky2468, preachers boy, ProckNation, puddlewatcher, punk'n, RabidWolf, rabmizzle, RachaelBachael, ragingindie, ravsicle, redcoat, reorex, RichardUOIT, riles, RoundAbout, Rufio, rylake, s1lentslayer, sagzy, Sapgreenpeppers, scotticus, Scruples, Serenity, sex_n_diamonds, Sheepy, slam_858, Sleezy G, Smitho, snwlover79, SOL, Spejosh, SSG, standardman, starscream, Station, StereoKill, strangeone, stratwill, Strnad, Subsonix, Sungi, sweet_afton, tandrew6655, tempfoot, thangers, The Ghost of McCarthy, The Gunner, The Quintessential Loser, ThePinkSuperhero, the_bigkahuna, tim dog, Toastmold, Tombo, tuhey, twohumps, Twoticketstoparadise, Vandal, VCTim, violachick8, waffles, wookietv, yoav, yourfriggindad, zeldink, ZeroOne
240 51.28%
-John-, Altruism, Aristokat, arty, ashamed, Backwoodsatc, BakaZaru, banger316, beef, Big M, BigJim50, bill43, Biscutty, bithead, blackpussy, bluecrucial, bonscott1, bpinsky33, Bretmont, BrianAlt, brianward81, brotherdarkness, Bucho, buster, CanadianRyan, Cart Horse, Chef, chickensandwich, Coconut, cqrt, creep, Cum cubes, curtdawg, cvguy, dansinn, DaveNJ, Dee, demandred32h, deznice, DJ Trashy, eckfoo, elmacgato, elvisrico69, EricHour, Everytings Neon, faceboy, firefighter_chick, freakish miseryx, FredG, funnygurl1979, Furious Stylz, GFunk, Giggidee, guitarrob, gweeb, H0LY_S0X, handsome hansen, Hi_Fi_Guy, i'minu, IK2K3, incomingtrout, jadogg1222, jayson, jblades42, JoeyDeee, Jonzard, Josh The Jew, K-Paq, Kale, kaptin kraut, kataish, killdozer, kkiller, KzooKid, labelmore, Lanfear, LArciniega, lattaland, Lawfer, LennyQQQQ, lnikunen, Luke, Malcolm Is Moore, MaltaFan, matador77, Mattdactyl, mdsan8370, Meep, memecherry, mikeysavs, mockingbird, Monjo, mowzie, mrthewhite, naholos, natman, Nerd!, nicbc503, nineinchmike, NoArmsJames, NZHippo, Ocheli, Only Me, outlaw, Patman, PatrickandAlana, pete_in_florida, Phaenix, Phalanx, Pharekyz, picard102, Pier777, pinoy0004, Positive Control, preachers boy, rabmizzle, rbb617, rehtaFrey, reorex, Ric MF, riles, Rixster, Robinmx, roiktpowerweasel, ryanvc76, rylake, sagzy, SapandPJ, scientist, Seminolewill, sex_n_diamonds, Sheepy, Sleezy G, sluggo916, snwlover79, Spanky McDuck, Spejosh, Starekase, starscream, StasRox, strangeone, Subsonix, SuperCujo, Svage, thangers, The Count, The Gunner, The Quintessential Loser, the.real.jer, theguy2009, thot, Tombo, Trombone plyr, truthv7, tsaylor, tWiStEd, UncleJerry, uno vato, VCTim, Vimes, walruspaunch, Waltside, whatsername, wilcnt, yourfriggindad, zeldink, ZeroOne
167 35.68%
karmakitten 25 5.34%
breethevampire 21 4.49%
mags 84 17.95%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 468.

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