View Poll Results: Pick YOUR Top 3 Finalists!!!
This poll will close on 10-25-2010 at 10:41 PM |
metal martha stewart
24601, Akai, alannanana, Altruism, Ames, arty, azbees, BadAsh, Badger, banger316, Bavarianchick, Bebe, becca, Beefo, Big Boy Rob, bithead, blackpussy, Bo&Ellie, bofadeeznizzles, borloff, brianward81, Bucho, Buddha, BurnSpeed, bwhite, Calypso, Coffee7676, comicmonster, conradsmiley, CoreyNC, Cretaceous Bob, CuriousKlepto, davezilla, dcGirl, Dina, DustDevil, elmacgato, elvisrico69, emmalee, fallingwindows, Feisty Midget, FlyingCamel, freakish miseryx, FreydNot, Giggidee, golgi body, grantimus, guitarrob, hayroob, hercircus, hoshnobobo2.0, Hotwire, HumbleNarrator, ifedamermaid, iheartnihilism, IK2K3, incomingtrout, Instigator, Iqueld, jadogg1222, JamIsNotGlue, jayson, JessicaAnn, jhart711, jillybean, John Galt, jollyholly, jollyman181, jonny_d, jthoma0683, Junkenstein, jveight, KarmaKitten, KcNichoslon, killdozer, kkiller, knucklehead32, kurometarikku, KzooKid, Lanfear, lattaland, Lawless40, lilmissrollergirl, Loki74, Lord of the Cock Rings, Madame Flurrie, Madcat, Malcolm Is Moore, MaltaFan, marina, Mattdactyl, metal_martha_stewart, Moboobs, MrBurger, mynameisjon, NilFC, Not You, NotQuite, NZHippo, Osiris, pala, panic_chick, PenBoy, Pengui, PFT, picante dan, pinkielarue, pistika, preachers boy, Preston Buttons, ravsicle, reorex, rezafab, Rixster, Roach_Headburn, Rock 'n' Rye, rodimusprime, Rusty Bones, Ryan_1523, s2b, Saq, SayMyNameBitch, scientist, scottieaxeman, Seminolewill, Serenity, Sheepy, ShoeBox, silentdelerium, skitzot, skizzbot, Sleezy G, SOL, soulknowledge, Space Indaver, ssgtballard, Svage, tempfoot, The Gunner, The Quintessential Loser, thumper, Tombo, tuhey, tWiStEd, VCTim, violachick8, Waltside, whatDOweDOnow, whiteflash, woodyd, word, xiques_brown
152 |
23.49% |
24601, =The.Kinky.Devil=, Akai, alannanana, aljoho, Altruism, amyuilani, Aristokat, avainblack, azuredragon1978, BakaZaru, banger316, barley, Bart84, becca, Bejoubies, big H, BigRed, blackpussy, bofadeeznizzles, BoredMatt, bpinsky33, brennok, BrianAlt, brotherdarkness, bruceatk, Bucho, Buddha, burkerh3, Cart Horse, cashew, CAsoul, charlierib, Chronicle615, ConnMan, crazyrob, Cretaceous Bob, Crippit, critter2003, CuriousKlepto, DaHonay, dansinn, DarkKnightJared, DaveNJ, davezilla, da_ticklah, dcGirl, Dina, dmost, Doonz, dr.chode, Draconis, DrMitch, eckfoo, Eddie151, EllaMacFarlane, elmacgato, empathy, faceboy, fahegwagads, FatFarley, Feisty Midget, Fish Taco, Folgers, Fourbid, FredG, Gomie, GossipTGirl, Gothicpie, G_Know, Hydden, iheartnihilism, incomingtrout, iowajerkoff, Its Hudak, jadogg1222, jdam6776, JessiC, JessicaAnn, Jimr_08, jmac, John Galt, John M, jollyholly, Josh, JP82, Junkenstein, K-Paq, Kale, KcNichoslon, kevinmchl, Lanfear, lattaland, lennondogg, lickmyballssuckmy, LittleAxe, Little_Miss_Khaos, littlp, Lord of the Cock Rings, lotep, lushrain, Madame Flurrie, Magician, Malcolm Is Moore, MaltaFan, Manx, marina, Meep, memecherry, metzfanaz, missmilf25, MJG, mnkygrl, mockingbird, modified54, Monkeyboy, MonkeyDoo, MonsteroftheId, MrBurger, mynameisjon, naberdy, Neal, Neclipse, Nerd!, nicbc503, Nickfromcali, NoArmsJames, Not You, nyconx, NZHippo, ohhhhhdavid, Only Me, Ovrnght, panic_chick, pantsoff, Patient092, Pattino, Phalanx, poga, Positive Control, preachers boy, Preston Buttons, punk'n, Rabbit, RaySeattle, redcoat, Ric MF, Roach_Headburn, rohoe, RoundAbout, Rufio, Ryan_1523, sagzy, scotticus, scottieaxeman, sgrsickness, Shaft, shoogbear63, silentdelerium, skitzot, skizzbot, slampokes, snwlover79, spamalama, Spejosh, Spence, ssgtballard, Starekase, StasRox, steveb_ea, strangeone, stylz51, Subsonix, sweet_afton, talison22, TeddyPicker, tempfoot, thangers, thatguyagain, The Girl, The Gunner, The Living Dead, The Quintessential Loser, theWam, thot, tlaird, Tombo, truthv7, tWiStEd, twohumps, UGrabMyDrumstick, Urbanhermit, Vandal, Vrexx, waffles, walruspaunch, Waynestock, whatsername, WWKD, xJake, yoav, yourfriggindad
202 |
31.22% |
-John-, 9doors, =The.Kinky.Devil=, aljoho, andsoitgoes, aphill31, armenta, arty, Asgardsfall, ashamed, baristaman, barley, Bart84, beatthesystem18, Bebe, becca, beef, beerchick, beewouts, behike, Bejoubies, BellaJane, benjita, ben_donghorn, Big Boy Rob, big.dave4, bithead, bofadeeznizzles, bonscott1, BoredMatt, BrianAlt, brianward81, brotherdarkness, bumpers, buoyguy, burkerh3, burkey420, BurnSpeed, buster, Cal, Callan, campy, capta1n, Cart Horse, Carter Hall, CAsoul, ChaosJunkie, charlierib, Chickenfat, club america, Coffee7676, ConnMan, Crazycms331, crazyrob, cthulhu, Curt, cvguy, DaHonay, dansinn, DaveNJ, dcGirl, DesertTulip, devilishone, Didgeridrew, dm_christopher, don bacardi, DozerMungus, Drunkpup, DustDevil, EastTexas, EatTheWeak, eckfoo, Eddie151, EllisCarver, elmacgato, empathy, Engels, EngineerGeek, fahegwagads, Folgers, FredG, freefall, FreydNot, Garsondee, garySunshine, Ginger Balls, grayman, Griffin, Grinch, groovietwo, gusrolf, HairyRussian, Heinrich, hellbent, Hellpop, hotmantle, Hotwire, hpycmpr, HumbleNarrator, Ickis, ifedamermaid, IK2K3, incomingtrout, indianprincess, Insomniac108, Invisiphil, Ion, i_like_cheese_2001, jadogg1222, jayson, jblades42, Jenni, jerry, JessicaAnn, jessnyc, Jimr_08, Jim_the_Lovely, jjrtootle, JoeyDeee, jonny_d, JorgeT, jo_glo, jveight, K-Paq, Kale, keithnc, kissmisskate, kkritselis, Kutuzov, L2EQ, lalalemon, lickmyballssuckmy, Little_Miss_Khaos, littlp, lnikunen, Loki74, lotep, louiej1st, LuckyT, lukas-san, m0o0op, Madhaus32, Magician, MaltaFan, Mandias, Manx, matador77, Mathyou, Mattdactyl, McGuiver, mdsan8370, Meep, Metzican, Mike (Not Really), MJG, mnkygrl, mockingbird, modified54, MonsteroftheId, mowzie, Mr. Bean, Mr.Shaw, MrBurger, mrdahonay, murple, my cat is a cylon, Neal, Neclipse, nicbc503, NilFC, NoArmsJames, Not You, NotQuite, Nozzyl, nutbutter, nyconx, OnionBag, OochieWallyWally, Osiris, otis_coole, pala, papiruiz33, pasuano, Patient092, PatrickandAlana, Pattino, Phaenix, Phalanx, Pharekyz, phl8me, Phoenix, phooey, picard102, pinoy0004, Play-doh Sniffer, poshjosh06, Positive Control, Preston Buttons, PrinceValiant, Rabbit, randix, rezafab, RichardUOIT, riles, Robinmx, rodimusprime, rohoe, rokitman, rollingdoughnut, rylake, s1lentslayer, s2b, SANDwich, SapandPJ, Sapgreenpeppers, Saq, SayMyNameBitch, scottieaxeman, scottperezfox, Scribe, Scruples, sgrsickness, ShoeBox, shoogbear63, siric, skizzbot, skyjedi, Skyler, soccerstryker10, Somethingdumb, soulknowledge, Spanky McDuck, Spejosh, Spence, SSG, stabbyhappy, starscream, Station, StereoKill, steveb_ea, Stever, sweet13, sweet_afton, thangers, thatguyagain, The Living Dead, ThePinkSuperhero, theWam, thot, thtguy725, TrickyToro, Trugoy, tuhey, twohumps, Twoticketstoparadise, Ubersketchy, UncleJerry, Urbanhermit, Voice Mailbourne, Waltside, whatDOweDOnow, whatsername, Wildonnie, woodyd, wookietv, XaviDigital, xerxes, xiques_brown, yetanotherdave, yourfriggindad, Zippyme, Zomniac
272 |
42.04% |
89vision, BakaZaru, bankyanks, Bejoubies, Bo&Ellie, boontar, borloff, Burritozilla, Calypso, Canadian Kid, chickensandwich, Claire, Cortney, crazykev, Curt, curtdawg, DaHonay, Dean from Australia, dietblack, EastTexas, EllisCarver, elvisrico69, EricHour, fahegwagads, Filmcans, freakish miseryx, FredG, grantimus, hautbaud, hoshnobobo2.0, Instigator, IWriteThings, Jack Bastard, jamesjohns, jblades42, jerry, JessiC, jillybean, jthoma0683, Just a fan, justjohn, KarmaKitten, Kultcher, kurometarikku, lattaland, looking4myradio, Madame Flurrie, Madclam, Mags, Mainiac, manny21, Mathyou, mchaelal28, memecherry, moondust367, Mr. Bean, mrdahonay, Nerd!, NightFX, nutbutter, OochieWallyWally, outlaw, Ovrnght, p0mbaer, pasuano, PenBoy, Pharekyz, Phyzik, RachaelBachael, razinggiants, Rock 'n' Rye, RollingStone, Rufio, sagzy, scottieaxeman, Shadow, sklXbns, Sleezy G, Spanky McDuck, spencerfoltinek, stratwill, the1thepwnly, TheDVS1, Threeman, TrickyToro, Trugoy, Twofirstnames, Vandal, VinniedaPigeon, whatsername, Wildonnie, witty, xerxes, YourTelegrapher
94 |
14.53% |
sex n diamonds
24601, aflashbang, andsoitgoes, Aristokat, arty, azuredragon1978, beef, beerchick, beewouts, benjita, boontar, breethevampire, burns, Burritozilla, buster, bwhite, Canadian Kid, Cart Horse, CedrickWind, CherryLavender, Chickenfat, chickensandwich, Claire, coachcrazy47, Coffee7676, CoreyNC, Crippit, critter2003, Curt, curtdawg, da_ticklah, Dean from Australia, devilishone, deznice, Didgeridrew, dietblack, DJ Trashy, don bacardi, dr.chode, EllaMacFarlane, emmalee, freeloader1, freight, Giggidee, gin_web, Gomie, Griffin, guitarrob, G_Know, hautbaud, hoshnobobo2.0, hpycmpr, Hydden, Instigator, Ironman Bobby, Jack Bastard, JamIsNotGlue, JessiC, jhart711, Jimr_08, jjrtootle, JoeyDeee, John M, jollyholly, Josh The Jew, JP82, jschrein, Just a fan, Keith, keithnc, Kie, killdozer, kkiller, Kloun, lennondogg, Loki74, looking4myradio, Madclam, Mandalee, mattical, mcbane89, mdsan8370, Metzican, Monkeyboy, moondust367, MrPoutine, my cat is a cylon, mynameisjon, NazT N8, Neclipse, NilFC, nineinchmike, nyconx, Only Me, outlaw, pasuano, Phyzik, picante dan, picard102, Piscean, Play-doh Sniffer, poga, poshjosh06, randix, RaySeattle, razinggiants, reorex, Ric MF, Rixster, Robinmx, rodimusprime, rohoe, RollingStone, RoundAbout, ryanvc76, SapandPJ, scottieaxeman, scottperezfox, Scribe, Seminolewill, senor_duran, Shadow, Shaft, shakey, shellybelly, Skunk'd LT, Sleezy G, Smitho, soccerstryker10, Somethingdumb, Space Indaver, spencerfoltinek, Starekase, StasRox, strangeone, stratwill, Strnad, stynxno, talison22, Twoticketstoparadise, UGrabMyDrumstick, Vimes, Vladdy, Wildonnie, WillieGoo, XaviDigital, xiques_brown, YourTelegrapher, zhowlett, Zippyme
150 |
23.18% |
89vision, amyuilani, Aristokat, bankyanks, Bebe, beerchick, behike, bluecrucial, boiseboy, Callan, Carter Hall, cashew, Chef, Cortney, DrMitch, DudeEMETIB, freakish miseryx, FSUMike, Glengeezer, Heinrich, hercircus, jdam6776, jerfink2003, Junior_Vegas, lukas-san, Mags, mattical, memecherry, MrPoutine, outlaw, p0mbaer, PFT, picard102, ragingindie, RollingStone, Rufio, Sapgreenpeppers, Sarc, scottieaxeman, slam_858, sluggo916, Svage, theguy2009, tim dog, tWiStEd, Twofirstnames, uno vato, yoav
48 |
7.42% |
-John-, 9doors, =The.Kinky.Devil=, aljoho, Altruism, Ansur, aphill31, armenta, Arson, Asgardsfall, ashamed, avainblack, azbees, azuredragon1978, BadAsh, Badger, barley, Bart84, Beefo, behike, ben_donghorn, big H, BigPerm, BigRed, Bitter/Oso, BlackhatGuy, bluecrucial, Bo&Ellie, bonscott1, bpinsky33, breethevampire, brennok, bruceatk, bumpers, burkerh3, burns, BurnSpeed, bwhite, Cal, CedrickWind, ChaosJunkie, charlierib, Chronicle615, Coffee7676, ConnMan, CooksWithFire, crazyrob, crecentroll, Crippit, critter2003, cvguy, DaveNJ, davezilla, deznice, Didgeridrew, dm_christopher, don bacardi, Donalbain, Doonz, DozerMungus, Draconis, DrMitch, DudeEMETIB, DustDevil, EastTexas, EatTheWeak, eckfoo, Eddie151, eire335, empathy, fallingwindows, Fish Taco, FlyingCamel, Folgers, Fourbid, frankfromtexas, freight, FSUMike, Furious Stylz, garySunshine, Ginger Balls, Glengeezer, GMan, Goop, GossipTGirl, Gothicpie, grayman, grillmanj, Grinch, groovietwo, gusrolf, G_Know, Heinrich, hotmantle, indianprincess, Insomniac108, Invisiphil, Iqueld, irongrunty, Ironman Bobby, Its Hudak, i_like_cheese_2001, jayson, jdam6776, jerry, jjrtootle, John M, jonny_d, Josh The Jew, JP82, jschrein, Junkenstein, Kale, keithejc, kevinmchl, Kie, killdozer, killer666, kkiller, Kloun, knucklehead32, Kultcher, Kyle, KzooKid, L2EQ, lalalemon, lennondogg, leyeggs, lickmyballssuckmy, LittleAxe, lnikunen, lotep, LuckyT, lukas-san, m0o0op, Madhaus32, Mainiac, Malcolm Is Moore, Mandalee, Mandias, Manx, mdsan8370, Meep, Mike (Not Really), missmilf25, mnkygrl, mockingbird, Monkeyboy, MonsteroftheId, Mr. Bean, Mr.Shaw, my cat is a cylon, Neverstill, NilFC, ohhhhhdavid, OnionBag, Only Me, pantsoff, Patient092, PatrickandAlana, PFT, Phaenix, phl8me, pinkielarue, pinoy0004, pistika, Play-doh Sniffer, POON_4x4, Positive Control, preachers boy, PrinceValiant, Rabbit, randix, RaySeattle, redcoat, rhinocerous, RichardUOIT, RichieGB, riles, rokitman, rylake, s1lentslayer, SANDwich, Sarc, SayMyNameBitch, scotticus, scottieaxeman, Scribe, senor_duran, shellybelly, ShoeBox, silentdelerium, siric, Skyler, slampokes, slam_858, slayer23, sluggo916, Smitho, snwlover79, Sparky_root, Spence, stabbyhappy, starscream, talison22, TeddyPicker, tempfoot, thangers, The Living Dead, the1thepwnly, theguy2009, thelastknowngod, theWam, thot, Trugoy, truthv7, tuhey, twitchells, twohumps, Twoticketstoparadise, Ubersketchy, VCTim, Vimes, violachick8, Vladdy, Voice Mailbourne, Vrexx, walruspaunch, Waltside, whatDOweDOnow, witty, woodyd, wookietv, wooow, WWKD, XaviDigital, yetanotherdave, yourfriggindad, zhowlett, Zippyme
240 |
37.09% |
-=AJ=-, 10sne1, 9doors, aflashbang, Akai, Ames, andsoitgoes, Ansur, aphill31, armenta, Audious757, aviationsensation, azbees, Badger, badvcr, BakaZaru, bankyanks, Bavarianchick, beatthesystem18, beef, Beefo, beewouts, benjita, ben_donghorn, big H, BigPerm, BigRed, bithead, BlackhatGuy, bluecrucial, BlueTongue, boiseboy, boontar, BoredMatt, borloff, Brad, breethevampire, brennok, brianward81, brotherdarkness, bruceatk, bumpers, burns, Burritozilla, Cal, Calypso, capta1n, Carter Hall, CedrickWind, Chef, Chicago, Chickenfat, chickensandwich, chocobomoshpit, Chronicle615, Claire, club america, coachcrazy47, Coffee7676, conradsmiley, Crazycms331, crecentroll, Cretaceous Bob, curtdawg, cvguy, DarkKnightJared, Dean from Australia, DesertTulip, devilishone, deznice, dietblack, Diga2230, dirtystreetz, dmost, Doonz, DozerMungus, DudeEMETIB, dwi, Eats Paste, EatTheWeak, EllisCarver, elvisrico69, FatFarley, Feisty Midget, Fish Taco, FlyingCamel, frankfromtexas, Furious Stylz, garySunshine, Giggidee, Ginger Balls, Glengeezer, golgi body, Gomie, Goop, Gothicpie, Gramm, greenjoules, Griffin, Grinch, guitarrob, hautbaud, hayroob, hellbent, Hellpop, hercircus, hobs, hollelluia, hotmantle, Hotwire, Hydden, idle_but_deadly, ifedamermaid, iheartnihilism, indianprincess, Insomniac108, Ion, iowajerkoff, Iqueld, Ironman Bobby, Its Hudak, IWriteThings, Jack Bastard, JamIsNotGlue, jblades42, Jeffro, jer, jerfink2003, Jessica, jessnyc, jhart711, JoeyDeee, Josh The Jew, jschrein, jtown, Junior_Vegas, Just a fan, justjohn, jveight, kara, karakros, KarmaKitten, KcNichoslon, keithejc, keithnc, Kie, KIMjongILLIN, KissMyTaint, Kloun, knucklehead32, kurometarikku, Kydizzle, KzooKid, L2EQ, lalalemon, LittleAxe, lnikunen, Luke, Madclam, Madhaus32, Mags, Mainiac, Mandalee, marcchart, matador77, Mathyou, Mattdactyl, mattical, mcbane89, mchaelal28, Metzican, Mijo, Mike (Not Really), MJG, modified54, Monjo, MonkeyDoo, moondust367, MOREcowbell, mowzie, Mr.Shaw, mrdahonay, mrthewhite, murple, n0otro, naberdy, Nerd!, nicbc503, Nickfromcali, NilFC, nineinchmike, Nozzyl, nutbutter, Nyck, OnionBag, OochieWallyWally, Osiris, p0mbaer, PatrickandAlana, Pattino, PenBoy, Pengui, Phaenix, Phalanx, Pharekyz, phl8me, phooey, Phyzik, pinoy0004, Piscean, pistika, POON_4x4, PrinceValiant, punk'n, RachaelBachael, ragingindie, ravsicle, razinggiants, redcoat, rezafab, Ric MF, Rixster, Robinmx, Rock 'n' Rye, rokitman, rollingdoughnut, RoundAbout, ryanvc76, Ryan_1523, s1lentslayer, sagzy, SANDwich, Saq, Sarc, scientist, scottieaxeman, scottperezfox, scruffy, Scruples, Seminolewill, senor_duran, Serenity, Shadow, Shaft, shancock, shellybelly, Shermlo, siric, skitzot, skizzbot, sklXbns, Skyler, slag, sluggo916, soccerstryker10, SOL, SomeGuyInNM, Somethingdumb, Space Indaver, spamalama, Spanky McDuck, Spejosh, SSG, stabbyhappy, Starekase, starfalsh, starscream, StasRox, Station, stephM, StereoKill, Stever, strangeone, stratwill, stynxno, Subsonix, Svage, The Cyberbunner, The Gunner, the1thepwnly, TheDVS1, theguy2009, thelastknowngod, ThePinkSuperhero, Threeman, tlaird, Tombo, TrickyToro, truthv7, Twofirstnames, Ubersketchy, UGrabMyDrumstick, Uncast, uno vato, Urbanhermit, Vandal, VCTim, Vimes, Vladdy, Voice Mailbourne, waffles, Waynestock, wazza, wilberserker, WWKD, yetanotherdave, YourTelegrapher, zhowlett, Zomniac
309 |
47.76% |
-=AJ=-, -John-, 24601, 89vision, aflashbang, Ames, Asgardsfall, ashamed, BadAsh, beatthesystem18, Big Boy Rob, big.dave4, boiseboy, bonscott1, Callan, Canadian Kid, ChaosJunkie, Chef, club america, coachcrazy47, conradsmiley, CoreyNC, crecentroll, CuriousKlepto, dansinn, DarkKnightJared, da_ticklah, dm_christopher, dr.chode, EllaMacFarlane, emmalee, frankfromtexas, FSUMike, golgi body, grantimus, groovietwo, hellbent, Hellpop, hpycmpr, ignorantgeek, IK2K3, IWriteThings, jerfink2003, jessnyc, jillybean, jmac, Joshinthecity, jthoma0683, Junior_Vegas, justjohn, keithejc, kevinmchl, looking4myradio, Lord of the Cock Rings, m0o0op, Madcat, Magician, Mandias, matador77, mcbane89, mchaelal28, mel gibson's libedo, MES8403, MonkeyDoo, mowzie, MrPoutine, murple, naberdy, Neal, nineinchmike, NoArmsJames, ohhhhhdavid, pantsoff, PFT, phooey, picante dan, Piscean, poga, POON_4x4, poshjosh06, RachaelBachael, ravsicle, RichardUOIT, riles, Roach_Headburn, rylake, scottieaxeman, Scruples, Serenity, Sheepy, sklXbns, slag, slam_858, Smitho, soulknowledge, spencerfoltinek, SSG, StereoKill, stevo8523, Subsonix, Synergy91, thatguyagain, thelastknowngod, Threeman, tlaird, Toastmold, uno vato, vegashat, Vrexx, wookietv, yoav
111 |
17.16% |
alannanana, amyuilani, avainblack, banger316, Bavarianchick, big.dave4, BigPerm, BlackhatGuy, blackpussy, bpinsky33, BrianAlt, Bucho, Buddha, buster, cashew, CAsoul, Crazycms331, DesertTulip, Dina, dmost, Draconis, fallingwindows, FatFarley, Fourbid, freight, FreydNot, Furious Stylz, Goop, GossipTGirl, grayman, gusrolf, hayroob, HumbleNarrator, Invisiphil, Ion, iowajerkoff, i_like_cheese_2001, jmac, jnilsson, John Galt, K-Paq, Keith, Lanfear, Little_Miss_Khaos, littlp, LuckyT, lushrain, Madcat, marina, metal_martha_stewart, missmilf25, NotQuite, Nozzyl, NZHippo, Ovrnght, pala, panic_chick, Pengui, Pheces, pinkielarue, ragingindie, reorex, rollingdoughnut, ryanvc76, s2b, SapandPJ, Sapgreenpeppers, scientist, scotticus, scottieaxeman, sgrsickness, ShazamSF, Sheepy, ShoeBox, shoogbear63, slag, slampokes, snwlover79, SOL, ssgtballard, Station, steveb_ea, stynxno, sweet_afton, TeddyPicker, The Quintessential Loser, ThePinkSuperhero, violachick8, waffles, walruspaunch, Waynestock, witty, writerandlover, xerxes, Zomniac
95 |
14.68% |
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