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View Poll Results: Should the US have a single set of laws across all 50 states?
Yes. 26 27.08%
No. 60 62.50%
i dont vote, and/or dont care 10 10.42%
Voters: 96. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 06-01-2006, 12:58 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by spooky
im surprised only a quarter of voters thought this would be a good idea....
I'm actually torn. I think there are situations where it would be good, however way of life is so different from state to state. Mostly I think about the West Memphis 3 kids. If this had happened in the Pacific Northwest, or New York, the case would have been thrown out and these innocent kids wouldn't be on death row, with no hope in sight. It totally sickens me that they've lost their lives, all because wearing black clothes, listening to Metallica, and reading a book or two on wicca is considered acceptable evidence of murder, to a jury in Arkansas.
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Old 06-01-2006, 01:19 PM   #12 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by mali
Well then maybe you shouldn't be listening to a podcast, of an american couple, talking about american life, and mostly, news that happens in America.
I can feel the sting... I can feel it.

I think that there's already too much federal control. People choose to live in different states because of the lifestyle there. The laws should reflect the lifestyle that they govern... For example: Joe lives in rural Montana. He carries a pistol on his hip and has a rifle in his pickup. They should be allowed, because he may need them to protect his stock/horses/llamas/sheep. However, he should not be allowed to carry the same guns in NYC. Different situations, different circumstances, different rules. And yes, I know that there are places where there's both in a state. Joe shouldn't be allowed to carry his guns into Missoula either. I'll go a step further and say that counties and cities should have more say in what happens there. Let the local voters decide.

Last edited by arcatacat; 06-01-2006 at 01:26 PM.
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Old 06-01-2006, 02:08 PM   #13 (permalink)
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I can only comment on this as an outsider, coming from the UK.

But for those who don't think you should have one set of laws, do you view yourselves primarily as Americans or as someone who comes from whatever state you are from.

If you class yourself as an American, then why shouldn't all Americans have the same rights regardless of where you live within your country?

Or do you just view yourselves as coming from a union of states with similar interests?
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Old 06-01-2006, 02:36 PM   #14 (permalink)
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Some laws, yes, most, no.

To take the state of Nebraska. Farm land, flat plains, few cities. Should the speed limit of a highway be the same as that of Connecticut, where most traffic is traveling between New York and Boston? Fewer cars should allow for higher speeds. Sure the lay of the land may be the same. Take a 10 mile stretch of Connecticut along the coast. Between New London and New Haven, there isn't much in the way of big cities. However, there are a lot of commuters, perhaps 10 times more than that of a similar stretch in Nebraska. How could you make uniform laws without taking into account the differences between States? If you need to do so, it's just easier for states to govern their own laws.

Uniform tax laws would cause the same problem. The United States is too large and diverse of a country to make uniform laws across the country. And if you divide up jurisdictions, you will need to give these jurisdictions power over most of the proceedings regarding trials and judgment.

Moral Number 4: The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind. Except in New Jersey, where what's blowing in the wind smells funny.
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Old 06-01-2006, 02:48 PM   #15 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by benjita
Some laws, yes, most, no.

To take the state of Nebraska. Farm land, flat plains, few cities. Should the speed limit of a highway be the same as that of Connecticut, where most traffic is traveling between New York and Boston? Fewer cars should allow for higher speeds. Sure the lay of the land may be the same. Take a 10 mile stretch of Connecticut along the coast. Between New London and New Haven, there isn't much in the way of big cities. However, there are a lot of commuters, perhaps 10 times more than that of a similar stretch in Nebraska. How could you make uniform laws without taking into account the differences between States? If you need to do so, it's just easier for states to govern their own laws.

Uniform tax laws would cause the same problem. The United States is too large and diverse of a country to make uniform laws across the country. And if you divide up jurisdictions, you will need to give these jurisdictions power over most of the proceedings regarding trials and judgment.
Speed limits should be one of the easier things to standardise. If you categorise the road by type rather than location, then similar road types throughout the country could have the same speed limit
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Old 06-01-2006, 03:14 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MichaelG
I asked the same question and it got deleted, so watch yours go away too.

Dont answer this rigged poll.
just trying to preserve the validity of a scientific study

and i am also guilty of the stickyness of this poll

suck it

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Old 06-01-2006, 03:18 PM   #17 (permalink)
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Don't we have a set of laws for the whole country - the fucking constitution..."the Supreme law of the land"...
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Old 06-01-2006, 03:22 PM   #18 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by dool
Speed limits should be one of the easier things to standardise. If you categorise the road by type rather than location, then similar road types throughout the country could have the same speed limit
That is precisely my argument. A similar road type in a more congested area cannot possibly allow the same speed as one in a non-congested area. Hills, rivers, road conditions, all play into effect. A desert highway in New Mexico and a highway in Florida have different conditions. One would be better for driving at high speeds than the other.

Not to mention you'd have to be a US government agent to pull someone over.
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Old 06-01-2006, 03:29 PM   #19 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Sexy_Potatoe_with_an_E
Don't we have a set of laws for the whole country - the fucking constitution..."the Supreme law of the land"...
we have both federal laws and state laws. this poll essentially asks if we should do away with states rights, and enforce an entirely federal rule of law. meaning things like gay marriage, if its okay in california, but nobody else likes it, california doesnt get it. if the mormons want to have multiple wives, the whole rest of the country decides if they are allowed or not. if alabama wants to reduce the speed limit because too many people are getting killed, the whole country has to okay it. if harlem wants to have abortion clinics for inner city use, the bible belt gets a say in it. if the bible belt wants to only sell condoms to people over 21, if they have enough of the religious vote to carry it, washington state cant sell condoms to 18 year olds.
Originally Posted by thepetek View Post
To be fair, to really follow Spooky's diet, you can't just eat chicken. You have to spend your days cleaning up after a slob roommate and night shivering like a rain soaked rage filled chihuahua about having to clean up after said roommate until you finally snap and yell at him. It should be called the Mexican maid diet.
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Old 06-01-2006, 03:37 PM   #20 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Sexy_Potatoe_with_an_E
Nevermind you said the whole country has to okay it, but still me against the country...fuck that, there's a reason why why we set shit up this way...I don't support a stronger central goverment.
same here, fellow republican.
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