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Old 12-08-2009, 06:02 PM   #2761 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by evadwolrab View Post
The second one shits all over the first. In a good way. In a sexy way.
I'm aiming to borrow it from work in a few days!
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Old 12-08-2009, 06:07 PM   #2762 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by standardman View Post
Completed Uncharted, liked most of it a great deal, the third act and the final boss? Absolute bullshit and against the design choices of everything else in the game.

Respek knuckles, Code Veronica is the under appreciated Resident Evil, and the first big step the series made out of the old style that led them to the fourth game. I played it on the Dreamcast, which also doesn't get enough love. Show me your VMUs and say it proud: I had a Dreamcast!

Still love the old games, controls take some getting used to. The remake of the first game on the GameCube/Wii was great too, they really need to do that for Resident Evil 2.
The controls would be my only issue, but it's not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. True, the characters control like tanks, but every game has a unique control scheme. It really does just take some getting used to and in the context of the game mechanics, it makes perfect sense. Does everyone want all games to control the same? Communists.

And yes, they should remake two and three. that would be fucking awesome and cool and would make my day repeatedly for many days.

Oh, and yes, I had a Dreamcast, but didn't play Code Veronica until it was re-released on PS2. My Dreamcast playing consisted mostly of Powerstone and the Sonic Adventures.

Last edited by Kydizzle; 12-08-2009 at 06:10 PM.
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Old 12-08-2009, 07:41 PM   #2763 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Kydizzle View Post
The controls would be my only issue, but it's not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. True, the characters control like tanks, but every game has a unique control scheme. It really does just take some getting used to and in the context of the game mechanics, it makes perfect sense. Does everyone want all games to control the same? Communists.

And yes, they should remake two and three. that would be fucking awesome and cool and would make my day repeatedly for many days.

Oh, and yes, I had a Dreamcast, but didn't play Code Veronica until it was re-released on PS2. My Dreamcast playing consisted mostly of Powerstone and the Sonic Adventures.
The whole 'tension through restricted movement' thing does make sense (less so when they used it for action games) but my problem is I tend to play a number of games at once (generally, games don't control that differently from each other) and spend the first ten minutes of tank controls trying to get used to them while some zombies try and make a sandwich of me.

I remember the announcement of the remake being paired with the announcement of the rerelease of 2 and 3 - they kind of set us up for disappointment with that.

Ah, the Sonic Adventure series, also known as the last good Sonic games. Sonic with a sword is like Spider-Man with a helicopter - two cool things that combine into a redundant, silly looking misstep. Don't get me started on Sonic Unleashed.

Last edited by standardman; 12-08-2009 at 07:43 PM.
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Old 12-08-2009, 07:45 PM   #2764 (permalink)
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I think Code Veronica was the first game I actually pre-ordered on my Dreamcast. I played that game to death. I remember staying up all night replaying through the game when I got stuck on the Tyrant you had to fight in the back of the airplane, thinking that was near the end of the game, then having to make my way through that Antarctic facility. Awesome!
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Old 12-08-2009, 08:01 PM   #2765 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by standardman View Post
The whole 'tension through restricted movement' thing does make sense (less so when they used it for action games) but my problem is I tend to play a number of games at once (generally, games don't control that differently from each other) and spend the first ten minutes of tank controls trying to get used to them while some zombies try and make a sandwich of me.

I remember the announcement of the remake being paired with the announcement of the rerelease of 2 and 3 - they kind of set us up for disappointment with that.

Ah, the Sonic Adventure series, also known as the last good Sonic games. Sonic with a sword is like Spider-Man with a helicopter - two cool things that combine into a redundant, silly looking misstep. Don't get me started on Sonic Unleashed.
I've definitely had the problem with having to constantly crash-course control schemes from game hopping.

Onimusha (the original) was a little more action based and had the same control scheme as RE but it was still technically a survival horror game with swords instead of guns and demons instead of zombies (plus, it was made by Capcom after all).

Here's to hoping they one day do re-make RE 2 and 3, but they never will, just like Square-Enix are dirty liars about re-making FFVII, I'll never believe them (although I do like entertaining thoughts that XIII is a spiritual remake of VII).

And Spider-man with a helicopter? That's fucking badass. Web Cannons on the wings ftw.
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Old 12-08-2009, 08:15 PM   #2766 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Kydizzle View Post
I've definitely had the problem with having to constantly crash-course control schemes from game hopping.

Onimusha (the original) was a little more action based and had the same control scheme as RE but it was still technically a survival horror game with swords instead of guns and demons instead of zombies (plus, it was made by Capcom after all).
I recently picked up the special edition of Onimusha, totally forgot about the controls until I turned it on. Samurai walk funny, I guess.

Here's to hoping they one day do re-make RE 2 and 3, but they never will, just like Square-Enix are dirty liars about re-making FFVII, I'll never believe them (although I do like entertaining thoughts that XIII is a spiritual remake of VII).
They're such teases! I have no idea why they haven't done it, it would print money. I'm still on the fence for XIII - it's all a bit too familiar to call new.

And Spider-man with a helicopter? That's fucking badass. Web Cannons on the wings ftw.
Yeah, I had the toy, the rotor was a web and I made it fight my dinosaursDAMMIT I WAS MAKING A POINT!
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Old 12-11-2009, 07:45 PM   #2767 (permalink)
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I've been playing a lot of Uncharted 2, the whole wrecked city section is amazing, flowing set-piece after set-piece.

I also loving what Valve are doing with the Team Fortress vs update, it came with a comic, a meta-comic!

And so..IT'S WAR!!!

Everytime a soldier kills a demo man, the soldiers get a point and vise-versa, the class with the most points at the end of the weekend get an extra weapon.


Oh and Samoroast 2 came out, it's half price for a bit.
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Old 12-12-2009, 03:52 PM   #2768 (permalink)
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finally reached level 70 in COD6. Now I can work on unlocking all the attachments
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Old 12-13-2009, 01:00 PM   #2769 (permalink)
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Old 12-13-2009, 01:44 PM   #2770 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by standardman View Post

i thought you hated closed world, games on rails with time events
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